Deleted lines of Ch 1&2 & Backstory

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Happy Halloween to all of you!! I have some things to show all of you! And before you say:

Disclaimer: My Ocs belong to me and Ruby's Ocs belong to her!

So enjoy!!~

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In the universe of ScienceTale, there was a house at the edge of Snowdin Town, no one was at home at the moment, all except for one person in a hidden lab that is located in this said person's bedroom that has a secret passageway and everything.

(Then it goes to SK's introduction, Ch. 1)

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Katori was still in the forest and was playing, doing twirls around the forest while walking to where she needed to go, taking in all of her scenery, sky, smell and animals. (Ch. 1)

Line 3: P.Y.R.O. asked confusedly during the process of cooking the food that wasn't shown, "Sayuri, why are there pancakes on the ceiling?"

Sayuri stayed silent and sweatdropped. "Got too excited... Whoops!" (Ch. 2)

Extra Backstorys of my Oc's

Science Katori
Age: Physically: 14
Mentally & Chronologically: 258

Like original Katori, she has suffered the same fate but, things have been altered and changed, like her magic for example. While she can revive people and herself, she can also make inanimate objects and animals talk like any regular human or monster, and instead of 8 hearts, she only has 4 hearts since she was a tiny bit stronger than the original Katori but still had some complications.
When she was 6 years old, she had left the facility and landed into the underground, where she had not only gained a new home, but a new family as well, she had lived with the skeleton brothers, Sans and Papyrus ever since.
As she reached 14 years old, while she was helping her father with an experiment and everything went smoothingly... That is until something had gone horribly wrong and an explosion happened, while she had saved Sans, she couldn't save herself and this resulted that she had died and her body was damaged beyond repair; this resulted in her staying the same age as she was physically for the rest of her life.
Although she was saddened that she would stay that way, but she was more focused on helping her friends and family to the surface so they can see the sun, moon, stars, and sky together. And no one can change that fact. And as the years passed, she never never gave on that mission but along the way, she has learned about other alternate Universes or AUs for short and had made many friends, including the original Katori. Her best friend would have to be Gaster!Katori since she was like her intelligent wise but she was one heck of a fighter. Her life while being in the Underground got a whole lot bigger from that day forward.

Cooktale Katori
A.K.A: Kairi or Eggshells
Reason for Eggshells: There are times when she's cooking that is based or has to do with eggs in the recipe, she nibbles on the eggshells or straights up eats them.

Age: Physically: 13
Mentally & Chronologically: 338

Like Katori and Science her backstory ends with the same fate, but instead she only has 3 hearts and they're Kindness, Integrity, and the Monster soul. While she can have the same abilities as Normal Katori, her other magic is making foods good and her dream is to be the best chef ever! She looks up to her father, Sans, and her Uncle, Papyrus and from time to time one of her aunts, Undyne the fish. What happened that made her stay 13, well let's just say there was a fire at a certain walking fish's house and she got trapped inside made her stay the way she is now. Now Every week or month, they would make food and hopes that one day that they can reach to the Surface that she along with her Uncle could open a restaurant that would be the best one in the world, and they would call it, Pap and Egg's Place! Or something like that. The future is truly up to them and they can't wait for that day to happen!

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