A Trick for a Treat: A Trick'r'Treat Story

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Pre chapter authors note: This story is very different from the other one shots in this book, but it's the Halloween season and I wanted to do something different to change the pace of this book. I may do more short stories based on movies and characters in the future if everyone likes this one. But, don't worry everyone. I have a new Otis Driftwood story as well as a Lost Boys story that should both be up before Halloween or soon after. As always, thanks so much for reading.

-With bloody love, horrormc13

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They say the best stories happen on the most magical of nights, and what is more magical than Halloween, of course? The one day of the year where our world and the spirit world are closest together, where ghost and goblins run the streets. This story begins like most Halloween stories, early on the day carving a pumpkin.

"Dad, what makes tonight so special? Why do we have to carve jack'o'lanterns and dress up? I don't understand why you make such a big day out of it. Halloween is just like any other day!"

"I've told you several times son, tonight is a very special night. It's the night we and the spirits of another world walk together as one/"

"But dad, ghost aren't real."

"I wouldn't talk like that if I were you. Ghosts are very real and they definitely don't like to be disrespected by little boys saying they aren't real."

"Whatever you say dad. I know what's real and what's not, and I say they're not real. Halloween is just another stupid, pointless holiday"

"We'll see if you're saying that tomorrow, because now that you've angered the ghost they'll be sure to pay you a visit. Now, head off to school. I'll see you tonight."

Later that night...

"Now son, are you sure that you can make it tonight without me so I can go to the big town Halloween party?"

"Yes dad, I've already told you I'm not scared. There's no such thing as ghosts and Halloween is nothing more than an excuse to give kids candy they don't need."

"Well, you know how to reach me if you need me."

As the dad heads out, he sees who appears to be just a normal kid in his costume. The kid was dressed in orange pj's with a sack style mask over his face. He was also holding a lollipop and a candy bag.

What a cute kid, He thinks to himself as he gets in his car and leaves his teenage son alone, completely unaware of what was to come.

Meanwhile, back at his house...

Thump, thump, thump!

A loud noise echoed from downstairs.

Startled, the boy got up from his online game and went downstairs to investigate the noise. But, to his surprise, he found nothing.

"These damn ghost stories even have me cracking up," He said aloud to himself as he went to go to back to playing his game.

Thump, thump, thump!

There was the noise again! This time, he was bound and determined to figure out the source of the noise. This time, it looked to be someone knocking at the door. It was the kid in the orange pajamas! He just stood there with his bag out.

"You must be wanting some candy," He said before giving the kid some candy and closing the door. He thought that the encounter was over, but little did he know his night was only starting. He returned to his game when a now louder thump came back from downstairs.

It was the same kid again.

"Look kid, I already gave you candy. Get lost!" He said, slamming the door in the kids face. But, as soon as he closed the door, there came a knock again. He opened the door again and grabbed the kid. "Listen to me. Leave now or I'll call the police on you and your parents. Where are they, anyways? Oh, and one last thing; take off that dumb mask. It's after 9PM so trick or treating and this stupid holiday are over."

Thinking the kid wasn't listening, he pulled the mask off himself, only to reveal a nasty surprise. The boy had some sort of pumpkin head. Now officially scared, he closed the door but it immediately flung back open and the pumpkin headed boy entered. He began chasing him all around the house until finally, the teenager fell onto his knees. He begged for his life as the boy bit his lollipop, turning into a sharp weapon.

"I'll do anything!" The boy came closer to the teenager, who by this point just knew he was going to die and did the only thing he knew to do. "Okay, okay! I was wrong! Ghost are real and Halloween isn't just a stupid holiday! It's an important holiday and I'll never ever disrespect it ever again! Please, please, just leave me alone!"

With that, the boy picked up his sack mask, grabbed some candy to put in his bag, and left. Now, ever year the teenager dresses up, carves his pumpkins, and most importantly, warns any non-believing children about just how really ghost are and how Halloween is not to be disrespected.

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