4| cinnamon rolls

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"LET'S GO MOUSE!" Winn yells in my room.

"Go die!" I yell back, burying my face into my pillow.

I feel someone lie down on the bed next to me and say, "Now, that's a little harsh, princess."

I quickly turn around to see Ricky. I move and hug him, burying my face in his shoulder.

"Hey, Maddie." He says, hugging me back.
"Sorry I missed your first day of school. I bet you did amazing, as usual."

"It's fine, I'll make it."

When I pull away, I flip on my back. "How's Maya?" I ask.

"She's downstairs, go ask her."

I grin and pull my covers off, making them get on Ricky.

"She's the only reason you're still allowed over, just so you know!" I say, standing off my bed and climbing down the ladder.

I hear him laugh.

Maya is standing in the kitchen, sipping on something out of a mug, when I come down. She's talking with Parker, looking close to laughing.

"I dunno, Parker. They all seem kinda crazy." She says, making him roll his eyes.

"That's what everyone is saying but I just- I don't see it!"

"Are you seriously still having this argument?" I ask him, walking over to give Maya a hug.

"They were not crazy! I'm not a crazy person magnet!" He insists.

"Hi Maddie." Maya says, hugging me back. I pull back from the hug and lean down so I'm at eye level with her stomach.

She doesn't have a big baby bump and I don't think she ever will, but it's pronounced and perfectly round.

"Hi baby." I coo, rubbing her stomach. I'm so freaking excited about this baby, I'm gonna spoil the shit out of this kid and no one can stop me.

"You being good to your momma?" I ask, tilting my head. This makes Maya laugh.

"From the constant texts from her about being sick and sore, I'd say no. Little brat." I press a kiss to her stomach before standing up, seeing the smile on my sister's face.

"Love that kid." I say, grabbing a mug and pouring myself a cup of coffee.

"How're you feeling, Maya?" I ask, before sipping on my coffee. She shrugs.

"Okay. So freaking done with this decaf stuff." She says, glaring down at her cup.

I grin. "So, when are you going to tell me if I have a niece or nephew?"

"Oh I don't know, it seems to be bothering you and it's entertaining." Ricky says, walking over to kiss my temple.

"You guys have known for two weeks! You can't actually keep it from us longer!"

"Why do you need to know so bad?" He asks.

"Because, I'd like to know in advance so I can give you all the cute names I have saved to my phone, duh." I tell them, shaking my phone around for emphasis, and Ricky snorts.

"We'll tell you soon, I promise." Maya assures me, slapping Ricky's arm. He just grins and kisses the top of her head.

Emmy walks over to me to pour himself some coffee. "Go get ready for school, princess. We gotta go soon." He says, nudging his shoulder into mine.

We do that to each other all the time, but this time it makes my coffee pour down the front of me, and he curses under his breath.

It gets on the front of a fluffy hoodie I stole from Ollie, but luckily it doesn't get on my joggers.

undeniable Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora