8| sammy

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"MADS, ARE YOU almost done? You have to leave in fifteen minutes!" Emmett yells, pounding on my bathroom door.

I jump and accidentally get some mascara on my eyelid, making me want to beat his sorry ass six ways from Sunday.

I rip the door open, my free hand holding onto the mascara brush, the makeup still smeared on my eye.

"What's that shit on your eye?" He asks, barely glancing up at me as he throws a baseball from his left hand to his right.

"Get the hell out of my room." I grate out, two seconds off punching him.

"I was just saying you're gonna be late." He rolls his eyes and walks out of the room.

I slam the bathroom door and take in my appearance again. I'm a mess.

My hair has been thrown into a bun, I'm wearing a pair of old grey joggers and one of the boys' marvel shirts that I turned into a crop top, and I have mascara smeared all over one eye. I look great.

After wiping my mascara off and trying one more time, I walk into my closet to pick out some clothes.

I decide on a chunky white sweater tucked into a pair of dark boyfriend jeans, and my checkered vans. I look cute and I'm comfortable, so it's a win-win.

My hair goes into a messy braid with some hair left out to frame my face, then I head downstairs.

"You look beautiful, Mouse." Winn says, kissing my temple.

"Thank you," I reply as I grab a piece of bacon off his plate.

"I was eating that." He pouts, trying to snatch it back, but I quickly bite it.

"You're a brat,"

"You love me." I poke his chest, smiling as I eat more bacon.

"Never said I didn't, I just said you're a brat."

I laugh and plop down at the table, chewing on the food as I open up my phone. I see I have four messages, three from Leo and one from an unknown number.

leo: Sooooo don't be mad at me

leo: But I kinda did a thing ik you're going to hate.

leo: It's for the best in the long run tho!

I furrow my eyebrows at her cryptic messages. What does that mean?

I check the last message and it all comes together.

Unknown: Morning MJ

I resist the urge to chuck my phone across the room and just glare at the message.

mads: i hate you

I tap my foot as I wait for Leo to reply. She is the worst friend and lemme tell you, I've had some crappy friends.

leo: Ik you do but it's gonna be good! You two would be so cute!

mads: just cause we'd be 'cute' doesn't mean i want to be around him. he's annoying.

leo: He's doing a tough guy act. Get to know him and I think you're going to like him.

mads: oh and you've met his alter ego?

leo: Yes, you'll like him. Give him a chance.

mads: i have no patience so he better be quick to reveal this cuddly teddy bear to me.

leo: Yay!

I roll my eyes and click on Sam's contact.

mads: what do you want?

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