Part 12

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Lisa's POV

After Jennie left to answer her phone, I wipe my tears away and took a deep breath as I stood up to follow her.

I stopped and hid myself at the back of the door where she cannot see me but was near enough to see Jennie and hear her response to the person she was talking to on the other line of her phone.

"I just went to Nayeon's cabin, Babe. Don't worry, I'll be back home tonight." Jennie answered as she smile her sweetest smile.


I suddenly regretted following her and chooses to eavesdrop to their conversation. I can feel my heart cracking with each passing second.

Jennie then suddenly felt silent and it looks like she was startled by what that person had said on the phone.

"No, of course, Babe. I went for a vacation by myself. She doesn't know where am I right now." She said that made my heart clenched in pain.

Why did you have to lie to that person, Jennie?

Is he that important to you that you can't tell him that we're together now?

"Aww. I miss you too. But don't wait for me tonight, I know that you're still tired from your trip. Just take a rest for now and I'll see you tomorrow, okay? And please, no buts." Jennie then said in a very concerned manner. The same concern that I longed for that night when I discovered that she was cheating on me.

Now I know why you're not giving me that anymore, Nini. It's because you're giving it to someone else now.

And there I heard her laugh that once only belong to me.

"Okay. See you. Bye." Jennie then said and hung up.

And even though my heart is slowly yet painfully breaking into pieces now, I did my best to walk faster and enter the bathroom and turn the shower and the faucet on to cover up the sound of the sobs that were escaping from my mouth as I silently cry my heart out.

I slam my hand on the bathroom's wall as I placed my other hand on my chest, gripping my shirt tightly, hoping that it would ease the pain that I am feeling.

Why, Jennie?

Why do you have to make me feel this kind of pain?

Right now, I just want to break out from all of this but it seems like luck was really not on my side as I heard a loud knock on the bathroom's door.

"Babe? You there?" Jennie called out.

Don't call me that!

I want to scream out but I don't have the strength in me to do so.

"Y-yeah!" I forcefully yell back, trying my best not to sound like I am crying and it seems like she didn't even noticed it at all as she answered,

"Hurry up, I don't want to arrive home very late tonight, I still have work tomorrow." She said and I heard her faint footsteps away.

And that was the moment where my strength finally left my whole body as I fell on the cold hard floor with my tears continued to cascade down from my eyes nonstop and the thought of the real reason why Jennie doesn't want to arrive home late tonight.

It fcking hurts like hell. Damn it.


After breaking down on the bathroom, I fixed myself and went out like nothing ever happened.

I don't know but it just feels like I have to do pretend as if like I don't know a thing. Maybe it's the love I have for her that's doing it.

Lies - Truth (JenLisa FanFic) ✨ [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt