Part 17

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Jennie's POV

I don't know but I could feel that Lisa had been ignoring me from the past few days and she keeps on shutting me out whenever I try to approach her.

I'm getting impatient with her, honestly. I mean, I was the one who supposedly mad at her because of her bad attitude towards Kai but then the look on Lisa's eyes never left my mind, it was blank, void from any emotion, completely different with her usual expressive ones whenever she looks at me that bothers me big time.

Right now, I'm outside her office, specifically on the parking lot and I'm waiting for her to come out to confront her from this childish act she was displaying for quite days now.

I was actually still can't go inside her office. I tried so many times but her bitch secretary keeps on blocking my way, saying that it was her boss' orders.

I was kicked out of my thoughts when I saw Lisa walking towards her car with the same cold aura and blank expression that I was not used to see, and I was about to go to her but she was walking fast and when she entered her car, she abruptly drove away that made me quickly go back to my car again and follow her.

"Aish! I'll definitely smack you in the head when I get to finally talk to you, you monkey." I hissed as I keep an eye on her car that was moving so fast that I guess she already exceeded the speed limit.

I almost get a lost of track on her car coz I'm not used on driving fast and when I found her car, she was not there anymore, it was just parked outside a bar.

Wait, a bar?

"What is she doing here?" I asked myself as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

To drink, of course! Duh!

The other part of my mind answered sarcastically and I just rolled my eyes because of my own thoughts.

When I was about to enter the bar, the bouncer stopped me on my tracks.

What's with people and their habit on stopping me on my way?

I'm Jennie Kim, the fck with them!

"May I know your name, Ma'am?" He asked me while checking the iPad he had on his hand.

What the heck does he need my name for?

"Jennie. Jennie Kim." I still answered him even if I had my eyebrows creased.

The guy then went to scroll something on his iPad for awhile before looking up to me.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but your name is not on the list. You can't go inside." He said and went back his attention on his gadget.

"Excuse me? Isn't this a public bar? Why do I have my name on your stupid list when I could just go in immediately?" I asked him with a hint of irritation laced on my tone.

My blood starts to boil and he's not actually helping with my prior irritation to a certain woman named Lalisa Manoban.

"This whole bar was rented for the whole night for some kind of party and only those on the guest list can get in. I'm so sorry to disappoint you Ma'am but I'm just doing my job right." The bouncer said firmly and the way he said it only made my irritation increase.

"Who the heck is that someone who rented this place?" I angrily asked.

"Her name is Kang Seulgi." He answered calmly.

My eyebrows creased as I heard the name. She was one of Lisa's close friends way back on college and we've definitely know each other.

I abruptly fished out my phone on my pocket and dialled her number and after some rings, she answered,

"Hey, Jen!" Seulgi greeted me from the other line a little louder maybe because of the loud music I can hear from the inside of the bar.

"Hey, Seulgs. I was just wondering if you could tell this bouncer that you know me so he could let me in. I'm outside the bar you are in right now." I said to her.

"Yeah, sure. I'm sorry I didn't included you on the list. Lisa told me that you make it tonight though." She answered that made me irritated again but hurt at the same time.

Why would Lisa do that?

She didn't even told me about this party.

"Uhm, change of mind, Seulgs, that's why." I awkwardly said to her, hoping that she won't notice my tone.

"Justifiable, definitely very you." She laughed on the other line.

"By the way, I already told the staff to let you in." She continued.

"Okay, thanks." I shortly answered her before I make way towards the entrance, not forgetting to send the bouncer a deathly glare before totally going in.

When I entered the place, the loud music welcomed my ears, flashes of colourful lights dancing through the place as people move their body towards the music.

I can see some familiar faces from college every now and then as I made my way towards the bar counter which can help me find the person I was looking for because the counter was a little elevated from the dance floor that enable me to scan the whole bar without bumping onto someone.

When I reached the bar counter, I slowly scan my eyes around the place, looking for a certain silver-hair beauty.

And that's when my gaze landed on the far corner of the bar, where circular couches were placed with a small table on its centre which was occupied with two woman, one was wearing an off-shoulder fitted red dress that had her mouth hang open, chest heaving up and down while gripping her hand on the other woman's arms that's wearing a business suit who's sucking the girl on the red dress's neck while her hand in between on latter's legs, pumping in and out senselessly.

I could feel my heart clenched at the sight of my girlfriend fcking for pete's sake who. My body stiffen, but my eyes started to water.

I was still glued on my place, staring at them as I saw how the girl come on Lisa's thrusts, writhing in pure pleasure but my heart completely sunk as Lisa turn her face towards me, she has this satisfied smirk and accidentally met my gaze as she slowly bring her fingers that was on between the girl's legs on her mouth and sucked it clean without breaking her look directly on my eyes.

My tears finally cascade down like waterfalls from my eyes.

Lisa, why?


Hi there bby's! 😍

I just want to thank all those who voted for this story and for those who left their comments consisting of their different opinions and reactions, I really appreciate and respect it all guys, so so much! 💓

And please bear with me everyone coz I'm definitely doing my best to make this story a great one despite of my poor skills in writing. 🙏🏻

Thank you still loves! 🥰


~ BuggyBunny 🐰

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