First on the Battlefield

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He and his fellow comrades lay hidden in the trenches dug previously, preparing for the oncoming attack. Each and every soldier had their tesla rifles in hand, holding them real tight. Their weapons were just about their closest friends in a war like this one. Carl James 'Hellshot' MacGrubber, had loaded his weapon with armor piercing rounds for good measure. He turns to one of his fellow comrades, Private Snipe, and asks, "Hey Snipes, if you make it out of this war alive, what do you plan on doing?" Snipes looks to the ground and sighed heavily. Following that, he looks to the sky, and says, "I might start my social network. I have all of these flawless design choices and everything. Honestly, all that needs to happen now is I need to get the hell out of here." Carl chuckles a little affectionately. "What about you, Hellshot?" Hellshot looks to the opposite side of the trench he's sitting in, thinking for a moment. "I dunno. I really just want to see my wife again. I guess maybe start a family, become an entrepreneur and start a business." Carl begins to crack a smile, just thinking about seeing his wife again. At that very moment, Their Squad Leader, Captain Slacker, calls out, "Heads up, Bogies in bound, coming in fast!" The enemy was riding hover bikes, riding in real fast towards the town that the squad was protecting. Right then and there, everyone in the trench got up and began to fire away. A few of the enemy bikers went down, but in that moment, Carl took a bullet, yes a full metal bullet, straight to the throat. He fell right on his back, hitting the bottom of the trench. He had only a few moments to realize that he had been relieved of his duties, and it was time for him to go to a new place.....

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