Chapter Three

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》Chapter Three《

 "I swear to God I will cut you, Evan, " my throat managed to scratch its words out as I threw the rest of my innocent items on the floor with a flick of my small wrists. My green eyes were fuming, and my bare feet were trucking through the icy hallways, not leaving the ground but floating on the same sense. The atmosphere of the building made my bones freeze and my heart falter, but my spirit remained strong. There is no way that I'm going to be controlled any longer by the Government. There is no way I'm going to except this demonic way of living: seeing people die every single day and not being able to get help; not being able to smile to make it feel better; not being able to cuddle with someone they truly love to wash it all away; not even a religion. there is absolutely no hope for us, and we see it. We see it, we get angry, we mourn, then we die. 

No exceptions. 

 My body turns a sharp corner with powerful movements causing my skeleton to slam into another. My fears rose into my brain of ever being caught by government in any point in time, but I remained poise. My back was straight, my face was oh so blank, perfectly constructed from hours and hours of practice from school and my rebellious parents. The young lady rose her exposed hand with much scarring to it, almost like she was burned, and flicked her blonde hair to the side, making no intentions to be egotistical. Her lips were thin and dark with lipstick, a berry colour, a very admirable color that I instantly envied. 

 Her eyes were burned from tears, and her small nose was slightly red, like she rubbed it completely raw from the cold or some illness. Her hand rose to her lips, trying to cover them and I just stood there, bewildered by how beautiful she was, and she grew even more uncomfortable. Finally, I broke into a genuine smile and nodded. "It looks pretty on you."

 Her face glew brighter than blood glistening in the sun, and she smiled brightly back, and she whispered " What territory?" My eyes narrowed at her, creating suspicious vibes and raw feelings. She soon noticed and shook her head. "Absolutely not. They took me in from twenty-one because I was 'Too Beautiful'. They are making me live here in this Death Valley so a guy, or an unexpected girl, doesn't get distracted and show personality. It's quite odd, I think."

 I nodded my head, and combed my hair with my numb hand, "You are very beautiful, " I reached out my hand, "Thirty-Two." Her face fell once I reached for her hand and looked at her scarred ones. "No, It's okay," I wistfully said as she grabbed my hand firmly and looked me into the eye. 

 "You know they'll kill us, right? If they see us shaking hands," her voice was small and painful, like crushed autumn leaves under a black shoe. She realizes all of this too. She realizes that we could die right here and now, and she is frieghtful, but radient. There is something in here that wants to stand up, that wants to start a movement. That wants to start a rebellion

 M heart sped up quickly as I remembered the words on the mirror that more than likely, belong to Evan, and fear controlled me once again as I yanked my hand away from hers with so much force that she almost falls on me. "I am so sorry, but I need to go. It was very nice meeting you, twenty-one, " I smiled and started looking forwards into the dark hallways before she called me back. 

"It's Ella," She smiled and waved at me as I left her behind. Her words left her clenched teeth and painted lips, "Go kick some butt."

I turned around and was running backwards with no fear, "Isa, and absolutely."

AS I made my way through the corridors, Ella became smaller to the point I had no visibility of her, and I smiled to myself. 

I think I may have my very first rebel for an uprising. It only needs a spark.

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"Evan, oh my God," my voiced graveled itself, sounding like a screeching bat with the mind of a human. "You little piece of s-"

"Don't you dare speak to me," His voiced bombed over mine and it made my nerves tremble with anxiety, and my heart sped up making me sweat in my stupid hospital dress. His finger was risen up to my nose, "You are the reason why I have to go away and baisically kill myself. I'm glad you found me, Princess, because you sure are dying with me." His face came closer to mine and I could smell the mints travel with his words as I breathe them in. I breathe in every aspect of him, and hate is the product of it. I held my breath in, tensing my shoulder and back muscles with despise and narrowing my eyes, looking deep into his. Somehow, happiness overtook my sudden anger, and I was deeply confused.

"We all are already dead, sweetcheeks,' the wind of the world chilled my insides and I stuttered. My arm wrapped themselves around my body and I uncontrollably shivered with hate and happiness mixed into one person. Evan cocked an eyebrow and laughed uneasily, almost like he's never done it before, and he threw me a grey, oversized jacket from his black douffle bag setting on the sidewalk. 

"You know what Isa?" Evan pulled out a cigarette and put it into his mouth with slow, easy movement, as if he were to be scared of something. "You aren't that bad."

My lips curled in annoyance and I spoke boldly, "You couldn't decide that before you tortured me with that stupid Suicide Serum or whatever?"

He blew a puff of smoke out into my face, and popped his lips,"Nope."

Then we laughed together. Maybe out of fear, or lack of sleep, or maybe both, but we sat staring at each other and just laughing. 

In that moment, we died together.

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Ello, ello, my lovlies. It's been almost a whole year since I started this book, and I haven't update at all. I am genuienly sorry, that's my fault, and I will fix it. 

For the reason why I wanted to wait a whole year, I wanted this book to take place in Winter. It adds on to that cold, uneasy, but yet comforting (you'll figure that one out later) vibe to it, and since I started this in late November, early December, but decided this in early January, I just figured my writing would be better in this time of year. So, here I am, loves!

Thank you so much for all of the reads, comments, votes, it truly is insane and for that I am so grateful. 

So, I will be updating around two times a week, not completely sure, but you guys will recieve at least one of my chapters every week. I'm planning on ending this on late January, so just a heads up.

Photo to the side is a glimps of what Raza Terriotory 32 looks like. It isn't mine, but all of these word I have written are copyrighted (;

Thank you all so much, I love you.

Stars Can't Shine Without Darkness.


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