Chapter 13

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"It was a coincidence. We both went to the same Arcade Fire concert, and we ran into each other," I tell the officer. He sighs and releases my shoulder. 

"Withholding information from an officer is a federal crime, Brittany. Why did your now ex-boyfriend beat up Connor?" The officer truly looked concerned. I glanced into the room that my Connor was being held in and saw that they were performing CPR. 

"Oh, my god." I shoved the officer away so that he couldn't stop me, and I forced my way into the room. I ran up the Connor's side and grabbed his hand. "Con," I whispered into his ear. "I love you, still. I will wait for you." Multiple pairs of arms grabbed me and pulled me away from him. I felt cold metal cuffs being placed around my wrists, and I was dragged into the hallway. 

"Brittany, you're under arrest for attacking law enforcement." The officer set me in a chair and pulled out his little police book. 

"But Connor's heart is under arrest," I grumbled. These cuffs were extremely uncomfortable. The officer put away his notepad and stood me up. He spun me around and unlocked the cuffs. 

"Look, I understand. You love him. And I am deeply sorry that he may not make it. But you do not under any circumstances harm a police officer." As soon as he finished his sentence, laughter and clapping erupted from the room Connor was in. I jogged up to the window and looked to see what the commotion was about. Connor was back. I heaved a great sigh of relief, and turned back to the cop.

"Please," I whispered. I didn't need to say anything else for him to understand what I wanted. He looked down at his watch then back up at me. 

"Five minutes." He turned around to pretend like he didn't know I was going in. I opened the door and rushed to his side. He was still unconcious, but his heart was pumping. 

"Baby, I love you. You'll see me when you wake up. I can't stand it without you. I will fight for you." I muttered into his ear, which was hidden by his brown hair. I ran my hand through the tousled mess, and leaned in close to his face. "Forever," I whispered. One kiss, I told myself. One, sweet kiss for the road. My lips found his and stayed there. Unmoving, just there. I didn't want to move. I wanted to stay in that position for all eternity. But Connor moved. He kissed back. His hand rested on my back, the spot I loved so much. I'm going to get him back. 

"Fight for me." Connor mumbled so no one could hear besides me. I nodded and kissed his temple. "It's my fault I got beat up. I love you." I rested my hand on his cheek and ran my thumb back and forth across his cheekbone. 

"Brittany," One of the doctors called to me. I stood up straight, and sighed. 

"Wait, Connor. Just wait." I walked out of the room and sat in one of the chairs. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. 1:29 am. Where does the time go? I went to my contacts list and scrolled through them. I saw one name that caught my eye, and my heart stung. "Andraya," I whispered. I clicked call, and pressed my ear to the phone. "Please pick up, Andraya," I whispered. Why would she pick up, though? It's the middle of the night. 

"Brittany," A tired voice spoke at the other end of the line. I released a huge sigh of relief. 

"Hi," I breathed. I heard her take in a sharp breath and her bed shuffling. "Before you hang up, I'm sorry." Nothing. "I'm sorry for blaming you. I was insane." Still, nothing. We sat in silence, waiting for something to break it. 

"Well," She finally spoke. "Britty, it's been a year. You're now apologizing?" My eyes filled with tears, and my heart swelled with fear of rejection. 

"Connor was just attacked by Nick," I stammered. "I'm alone, and need a ride. Can you come get me?" She sighed into the phone and hung up. I slumped into the chair and looked through the glass doors into the room Connor was in. They were helping him sit up, and asking him questions. I want to go back in there, be the only person talking to him. I want to hold him, and never let go again. I want to kiss him, and touch him, and feel his warmth against my side. My phone started vibrating in my hand. I looked down to see what was happening, and it was Nick calling. 

My thumb hesitated over the ignore button, but I changed my mind and answered the call. 

"What?" I snapped. 

"Brittany, I-I-I don't know what happened. I'm so fucking sorry, I-" He was crying. I didn't say anything. "You have a right to be angry with me. I guess I got jealous and-" He interrupted himself with more sobs. 

"Stop. This is pathetic. You got angry and attacked a man. Do not call me with your ridiculous apologies." I hung up and quickly set my phone down in the chair next to me. I can't believe he actually thought I would take him back that easily. I don't care if he actually meant it or not, he beat up my life. Connor is the only boy I have ever thought about constantly, the only person to never leave my mind. My phone started ringing again, and i answered it without looking at the caller I.D. "What?" I snapped, thinking it was Nick.

"Uh, I'm here..." Andraya spoke. I immediately felt myself blushing. 

"Oh, god, I'm so stupid. Sorry, Andraya. I'll be out in a second." She hung up. I stood and looked into Connor's room once more. He was watching out the window, probably waiting to see me again. I waved at him, and he waved back. Slowly, I turned away, and walked out of the hospital to find Andraya's car parked in front. I opened the passenger door, and sank into the seat. 

"Hi," I mumble awkwardly. I've never been in her car before. She doesn't put the car in drive. She looks at me and waits. "Thank you for coming to get me. It's pretty early-" 

"It's been a freaking year, Brittany." She cuts me off. I look out the windsheild. The street was empty, besides a street lamp every few yards. "We haven't talked for a year. Why?" She was crying. "You ditched us, because you thought that us, me and Olivia, your best friends, turned your boyfriend in to the police. I have no clue who it was, but it sure as hell wasn't us." She forcefully put the car in drive and began to drive down the road. 

"I know, and I'm sorry. I was a wreck. I didn't know what I was doing. I just... I-I-I'm sorry," was all I could get out. I really have no reason that could excuse my behavior. "I'm sorry," I whispered. She was sobbing, but not wiping the tears away. She just let them fall to her lap. My stomach began to twist with guilt, spinning every which way, the need to throw up increasing with every second. 

"I've missed you," She finally says after four awkward minutes of silence. I finally begin to breath, realizing i wasn't breathing the whole time. 

"I've missed you too. I'm so sorry." I reach across and hug her gently, so she doesn't swerve the car. My life is going to get back together... Somehow... 

[A/N] Hey, I'm not sure if I should continue this, considering Connor is actually gay. It's kind of hard for me to write stories when the character is actually the opposite of how it's written; when it's fanfic or smut, at least. Let me know if I should continue, because I will; but if not, I won't. :/

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