Chapter 14

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[Y'all said i should continue, so I'll continue.] I'm sorry it took me so long to get out an update, I'm having issues, so updates will start being few and far between :( ily]

Nothing was said the entire car ride. Andraya cried silently the entire drive back to my home, and I didn't try to comfort her and make the situation more awkward. I had lost all of my comforting skills.

Andraya parked in front of my house, the light from my parent's room turned off.

"I'm going to get Connor's restraining order removed," I spoke into the quiet darkness. Andraya laughed at the idea.

"Brittany, I have no clue how you're going to do that. What happened is by law statutory rape, whether you see it that way or not; and if you're able to get rid of the order, then other people will try to get rid of theirs, and then where will be? The whole system will collapse. As much as I want you two together, I just don't think this will end well." I released a puff of air, unaware I was holding in my breath. My fists were clenched into balls next to my thighs, and I was at a loss of words.

"It can be done," was all I could muster up. She pulled the keys out of the engine of her car.

"No, Brittany. I doubt it will work." She dropped the keys into her bag, and opened her car door.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I asked, quickly unbuckling and opening the door.

"I'm coming in. I want to see how you're going to get rid of the restraining order." She began marching through the grass to the door, and stopped on my doorstep. She turned and looked at me, annoyed that I was still at the car. "Are you coming?" She whispered, conscious of the sleeping neighbors all around us. I shut the door and walked across the grass to meet her.

I pulled my house key out of my pocket, and unlocked the door. "I'm not sure what you're doing, because it's like 3:00 in the morning, and I kind of want to go to bed." I drop the key in the bowl next to the door and kick off my shoes. She slides off the slippers she was wearing and walks into the living room.

"Did you guys remodel?" She asks as she sits down on the couch. I nod and walk over to the kitchen. I open the fridge, and pull out two cokes. I walk upstairs and grab my laptop, then return to the living room. I toss Andraya her coke, then plop down on the couch next to her.

"I'm actually interested in how you're going to do this," she mumbles. I sigh and open google. She opens her coke and takes a long drink. My hands hesitate over the keyboard.

Laws of restraining orders I typed into the search box. Andraya nodded and continued to sip her soda. I clicked on a website that looked promising. I scrolled through the article and found something about criminal charges.

It is possible that if you do not want the case to continue (if you do not want to "press charges"), the prosecutor might decide to drop the criminal charges but this is not necessarily true. The prosecutor can also continue to prosecute the abuser against your wishes and could even issue a subpoena (a court order) to force you to testify at the trial.

I could ask the district attorny to drop the charges! I highlighted the part, and waited for Andraya to read the section.

"We could go to the DA and ask them to drop Connor's charges!" I exclaimed. Andraya let out a dry laugh and stood to throw her can of soda away.

"How do you know they'll say yes? You're a minor, so we would need someone else to ask them, and also, what he did really was illegal, as sad as it seems, and he knew better. There really isn't a doubt in my mind the DA will say no," She grumbled. I glared at her, and turned back to my computer.

"Could you at least give me a little support here? I'm trying to get my boyfriend back, and you're doing nothing to help, and to add onto that, you're telling me I'm going to lose! I thought you loved us together! I thought you never wanted things to end between Connor and I! How could you stand there and tell me that I'm going to lose the case, and that I am just going to have to wait another two years to get him back? I can't wait that long, Andraya. That's like telling a mother that her kid is being taken away from her for no reason, for three years, and she's just going to have to deal with it. She would fight through hell and back to get her baby back, just as I am right now." I slammed my laptop shut and stood up.

"If you don't want to help, then just leave. You being here, and doubting me is an insult to me." I pointed to the door, and waited for her to move. She didn't. "Why are you still here?"

"Sorry for my attitude." She sat back down, forgetting to throw away her soda can. I sighed and sat back down next to her. I picked up my laptop and continued where I left off.

"I will call the DA tomorrow. I'm exhausted from tonight, so I think I'm gonna go to bed. You're welcome to stay the night, if you want." I stand up again and start walking upstairs, Andraya following.

"I think I will stay. I mean, I'm already in my pyjamas," She laughs. "Besides, I don't want to accidentally get in a car accident." We walk into my room and I crawl into bed, forgetting that I'm not wearing pyjamas. Andraya crawls in next to me, and within moments, I'm asleep.


My eyes flutter open and focus on the ceiling above me. The bed feels empty, and the door is open. I glance next to me and find Andraya gone. I sit up and walk over to the vanity across the room and check how I look. My hair is a mess, and I look like I haven't slept for weeks.

I sigh and head down to the kitchen. I open the refrigerator and paw through the different foods.

"Brittany," Andraya said. I jumped and slammed the door of the fridge shut. Andraya laughed and sat down in a stool at the counter. "Good morning." I took in a deep breath, trying to calm my irrational jitters.

I turn and look at her shyly. "Do you want some breakfast?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"No," she says. "I quick went home and grabbed some clothes and food." I shrug and glance at the clock. Its 10:30.

"Why are you still here?" I olent the fridge once more and pull out the bread and the strawberry jam. Andraya stays quiet while I make my toast.

"Why are you here?" I try one more time, this time looking her in the eye. She looks down at her lap, and brushes away a stray tear.

"Well," she breaths. "Connor, um, he, uh," she stutters. My heart began to thump loudly, my throat growing a lump, making it difficult to swallow my toast. I began to fear the worst.

"Connor is dead."

My whole body froze in shock. I thought about screaming, but my body wouldn't respond. Andraya rubbed my shoulder gently, and wiped away her tears.

"He died around five this morning. The injuries to his brain were too severe. When he woke up and spoke to you, it took every ounce of strength he had. His skull was cracked open, and blood was seeping out of his brain.

"Brittany, Nick is a murderer. The police went to find him, but he apparently skipped town. I'm so sorry..." She wrapped her arms around my motionless body and sobbed into my shoulder. I can't think. I can't move. I can't cry. All I can do is sit, and do nothing. Andraya let go of me and sat back in her seat quietly.

I'll never get him back. I was going to go to the DA and fight for him. I was going to win my case and have my boyfriend back. None of that was going to happen. My boyfriend is dead because my ex killed him through jealousy.

I'm done.

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