03 | A Cat That Saw Salmon

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We were all seated down at the table, having dinner, when I brought up the meet-up with Hayden.

I set my spoon on my plate and cleared my throat. "So, Mom, on Friday, I have a meet-up with this guy from college."

Mom stopped chewing and grew tense at the mention of a guy. The entire house became silent. Well, except for the sound of munching coming from the direction of my sister. That girl never stops eating. But then again, who am I to complain? After all, food is life.

"Who is this guy?" she asked solemnly.

"Just a random guy. We got paired up for an assignment . . . and well, we have to meet up to complete the assignment." I waited for her response.

She started throwing me question after question, "What's this assignment for? Why does it require you to meet up outside? You can just meet up on campus."

"No, we can't because we have lectures most of the time, and the campus is just too busy. The assignment needs us to get to know each other. It's a ten credit assignment, Mom." I said, trying to calm her down.

"Get to know each other?" Irene winked at me, adding more fuel to the fire, which would surely start flaming soon.

"It's not like that. For real, Mom, don't worry. The meet-up will be at three in the afternoon, and I'll even be home before five. Trust me, I'm grown up now," I reassured her, nervously.

"I don't know, Ki. I know you are old enough, but after the influence your sister has had on you, I can't really trust you not to do what she did."

I glared at Irene and turned back to Mom with my legendary sad eyes. "Mom, come on, I'm not like her, you know that! Just this once. And anyway, you know I don't exactly fancy boys. They just play with you. It's not like I will fall for him." I scoffed at the thought. "If anything, Mom, I know that I won't fall for him. He's too darn rude!"

I guess that seemed to do the trick.

Mom inhaled loudly. "Fine, but be sure to answer my calls while you are there. This world is dangerous enough as it is."

"Thanks, Mom."

I finished the dishes and got ready for bed after studying for about an hour. Laying down on my bed, covered head-to-toe in my soft, baby-blue blankets, I couldn't help going through the events that happened on the first day of college.

It's okay. Let's just try to stay optimistic.


I was sleeping peacefully, when suddenly, around three in the middle of the night, I woke up with a thought. A thought so horrible, that it ruined my hopes of finally going out to the world, alone.

I switched on my phone and squinted as the sudden bright light almost brought tears to my eyes.


Hey, so I forgot to ask,
what's the location for the meet-up?

There was no reply for a few minutes.
I almost fell back to sleep when my phone chimed with a notification.


Why the heck are you
disturbing me at this time?
You really are a nightmare.


Just answer the damn question.

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