07 | ❝ Thank you. ❞

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[Trigger Warning: street harassment]


I ignored him and tried to go around him, but he grabbed my hand and pushed me against the grey wall, clamping his hand against my mouth to keep me from shouting.

And awfully close, close enough I could feel his stale breath on my forehead, he whispered, "Oh, come on now. We just want to have some fun."


I tried to wriggle free, or to at least wriggle my leg free so I could kick him where it hurts, but he had pushed me in such a way that I couldn't even move my leg.

Oh, God, Mom. If this is how it ends, I just want to let you know that I'm sorry for not listening to you and coming home late.

I shut my eyes tight as the rest of the guys began crossing the road, one by one.

"Let her go!" I heard a familiar voice yell across the distance.

Before I knew it, I heard a loud 'thud' and felt the hands on me loosen their grip. I opened my eyes to see . . . Hayden, blowing punches at the two guys that had surrounded me. Also, receiving some punches to his face.

What the hell?

Hayden raised his fist high and swung it at the jaw of one of the guys, making them lose their balance and fall onto the ground. He shook his hand, trying to relax his fingers, but he wasn't quick enough to notice the third guy behind him.

The guy turned Hayden around by the shoulder and threw a blow to his nose, causing him to stumble to stay on his feet. I watched helplessly as I saw his eyes beginning to water.


But I guess the thwack wasn't that powerful, because Hayden brought his fingers to his nose bridge and scrunched his nose nonchalantly.

"That hurt." He tilted his head and looked up sharply at the guy that punched him.

The guy took a step back but wasn't fast enough to avoid getting hit on the shin by Hayden. The guy groaned and knelt down, cradling his knee tightly.

The one who had pushed me against the wall seemed distracted by the unfolding fight with his buddies, so I decided to grab my chance. I swiftly turned him around by the shoulder to face me, and raised my knee high, kicking him right in his balls.

He yelped out in pain, crumbling down on the ground. The other two guys stopped trying to beat up Hayden and scrambled to the aid of the guy whining on the ground.

I rushed to Hayden's side and examined the big bruise on his left cheek.

Yikes, that'll leave him purple tomorrow. He'd be like that Violet girl in Willy Wonka, except not round.

He was panting heavily but had the energy to tug on my arm. "What on earth were you thinking trying to leave on your own?" he screamed at me.

"Stop yelling, let's get out of here before they . . ." I trailed off when I saw the first guy stand up on his feet, using his buddies to keep himself steady.

Feelings Incarnate | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang