Escape Attempt #1

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"Come on sweetheart" Frank said as he roughly lifted me up from the table by my arm

"Don't touch me" I snapped as I pulled away from him, he grabbed a fist full of my hair and bent his face down to mine

"You don't want to give me any trouble lady" he warned as he dragged me back to the bedroom. I yelped as it hurt me to move so quickly. He lifted me up and threw me on the bed then handcuffed me back to the bed post. Blake was right, he wasnt as patient or as gentle with me!

"Do you have to be so rough with me" I scowled, and then wham! He belted me across the face, i wasnt expecting it and tears stung my eyes as I lifted my hand to my throbbing cheek bone.

"Less of your lip girl" he growled at me, he then left and slammed the door behind him.

I lay on the bed crying and began to feel sleepy as the drugs took over and I drifted into unconsciousness again.

I woke up a couple of hours later, I was alone and still handcuffed to the bed, i was cold and my face hurt where Frank had hit me. I still felt quite sleepy so I began focusing my mind on staying awake, I needed to get out of here, I tried to think of a way to escape.

The handcuffs were pretty tight so there was no way I could slip my wrist through them, and the bed post was thick metal so no way of breaking free from that. I needed something to try and pick the lock. My earrings, I was wearing solid silver crucifixes, I'm not religious at all I just liked them when I saw them in the jewellers window. I took one of them out of my ear and slid it into the lock, it was no good, not long enough, it kept on slipping out of my fingers. I sat and thought for a moment, then it came to me, Tweezers! I had tweezers in my makeup bag, it was in my holdall, it was on the chair at the end of the bed, if only I could get to it, I tried to reach with my foot but it was too far away.

I got off the bed and tried dragging it to move it closer to the chair, It was so heavy and I nearly burst open my stitches straining myself, I cried in frustration and sat back on the bed. Then I reached over to the small draw in the bedside table and pulled it open, hoping to find something, anything, a hairclip or a pen, something I could pick the lock with, but it was empty.

I wasnt giving up that easy though, there was only one thing for it, I had to call Frank back so I could get to the tweerzers, I had a plan in my head and I began to yell, "Fraannk!" I shouted as loud as I could, then listened for footsteps, nothing. "Fraaannkkkk!" This time he heard me and he came and opened the door.

"What's the matter?" He scowled at me, his face was screwed up and angry.

"I need the bathroom" I said, he grunted and moved to unlock the handcuffs, he was a big guy, he had crooked teeth and his breath smelt like rotten meat, I got a whiff as he leaned over me, even though he wasn't that close I could still smell it, that along with the smell of stale body odour, made me feel sick. He lifted me by my arm and led me to the bathroom.

"Wait" I said as we moved past the bag on the chair "I need my things from my bag, Um, it's my time of the month" I muttered.

"Uh, ok... yeah, be quick" he said looking pissed off as he released my arm.

I quickly fished through my makeup bag and pulled out the tweezers, hiding them in my fist then I pulled out a tampon and waved it in his face to distract him, "got it" I said and he cringed pushing my hand away

"Hurry up" he spat as I moved to the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

I stuck the tweezers in my pocket, I unwrapped the tampon and flushed it down the loo, then I turned the tap on pretending to wash my hands, I stepped back out and he quickly grabbed my arm and forced me back to the bed and handcuffed me again. He grunted before he left and locked the door. My heart was nearly beating out of my chest as I tried to calm my self down. Ok, so i have the tweezers, if I manage to get out of the handcuffs, how was I going to get out of the room, the door was locked and I could see the window was nailed shut. I had no time to think, I shoved the tweezers in the cuff and began wiggling it about. An hour or so later I was still trying to work the lock open, it wasnt working and I cried tears of frustration. I had never picked a lock before and had no idea what I was doing, then suddenly, click, I was free.

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