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I don't remember much about the last couple of hours, I woke up on the sofa, I was lying on Blakes chest and he was just sitting there staring into space. I pushed myself away from him as the realisation hit me again like a ton of bricks, what if my father dies? This whole thing was just one big mess, I should never have taken the job with the bank, I blamed myself for leaving when I knew Dad didn't want me to go. Now I might never see him again. I felt empty, I didn't even hate Blake, he wasn't worth my hate, it was wasted energy, I just wanted to go home, but I knew he wasn't going to let me. Escape was not another option either, I had tried and failed twice, both times nearly getting myself killed in the process

"I need I call home?" I said to Blake

"Sure" he replied and he sat forward taking the phone out of his pocket, he dialled the number and listened for it ringing, then he placed it on the sofa besides me and I frowned as he put it on speaker again, what a cock!

"Really?" I said as I pressed my finger on the end caller button

"You really think I am going to tell my Mother I've been kidnapped when my Father is dying? It would probably kill her too!" I shouted at him. He got up and walked to the other side of the room rubbing his hand through his hair, then the phone rang, and he answered

"Hi, no its Blake" he said "Annie is here, I will put her on" he walked back over and handed me the phone, then he sat on the edge besides me, putting one arm across me leaning on the side of the sofa, and his other behind me trapping me in so he could hear the conversation. I pulled my knees up to my chest turning my body away from him as much as I could.

"Annie its aunt Bea, I had a missed call from your boyfriends phone, I recognised the number"

"He's not my boyfriend aunt Bea" I said as I shot Blake a fowl look "How is Dad?"

"He is stable for now; your Mum is still with him"

"Ok, tell her I called and I that I'm ok"

"What's happened to your phone Annie, we couldn't reach you on it?"

"I lost it, I'm waiting for a replacement to be delivered" I lied

"Are you still in the hospital, your mum was really worried when you hadn't called In the last few days?" She asked

"No I'm out of the hospital aunt Bea, I'm staying with a friend who is looking after me" I said gritting my teeth, Blake grinned at me, he could hear every word he was so close.

"Ok dear I will call you on this number for now shall I?"

"Yeah, sure, take care, bye.."

I handed him the phone back, then pushed his arm to move it, un trapping myself

"Can you let me up so I can use the bathroom?" I asked

"Sure" he said as he stood over me, I eased myself up "Still sore?" he asked taking my arm and pulling me to my feet

"Yes" I said as I pushed passed him

When I came back out of the bathroom he was sitting on the bed waiting for me

"Your everywhere I go, I can't even pee alone" I shouted at him "I'm hardly going to risk killing myself by trying to escape again" I said as I lay down on the bed

"I'm sorry about your dad" he said as he got on the bed next to me and lay on his back looking up at the ceiling

"Please let me go back to England" I said as I sat up on the bed and turned to face him

"I can't" he replied without looking at me

"You could take me back?" it was a ridiculous thought but I was desperate, I would do anything to get back home, he must have a conscience, there must be some good in him somewhere

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