Chapter Two: Two Broken Hearts

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They weren't in the same spot, but it didn't take long to find them. We decided to ambush them and use the forest to our advantage. All the warriors looked at me with worry. No one knew this is what happened if your mate even started to reject you.

It probably made the mated warriors thankful for their other halves. Zinnake was worried and angry all at the same time. But he never left my side. Like always, he was my true best friend.

"Which one is it we can't kill but should kick the shit out of?" Carl joked, trying to break the tension.

I snorted, trying not to laugh. But in the process made the other Demons laugh quietly as we were hiding within the trees.

"By the Gods please tell me its not the half-giant looking dude!" Carl whisper shouted.

I rolled my eyes at his antics and punched him in the arm, making him grab his shoulder in agony. I really didn't know the limits to my strength sometimes.

"That mouth of yours is going to get you killed one day, Kid." Zinnake huffed in annoyance and peaked at the makeshift campsite the two intruders had set up.

"Come out! I could smell you from a mile away!" Olysseus stood and crossed his arms over his chest.

I growled out a curse and nodded for everyone to follow me out into the small clearing by the river. All the warriors with me pulled out their weapons and quickly surrounded the two males. I walked out last and sheathed my sword, with Zinnake right by my side.

As soon as Olysseus caught sight of my condition he sucked in a sharp breath in shock before quickly hiding any sort of emotion. He didn't look much better though. His eyes which were once bright were now dull and he looked weaker than before.

"You two are trespassing on Demon grounds! You are to come with us to face trial!" I commanded.

"Demons? They're actually real?" Tone questioned.

To which most of my fellow warriors took offence too and many were fighting their instincts to attack. A couple of the lesser willed Demons got too close to Olysseus for my alternate side's liking. This made my inner flames roar to life and I tossed a couple throwing knives by their feet, making them jump back.

"You don't approach without my order! Understood?" I growled, trying to suppress the flames.

"Yes, Lady Peace!" They shouted, frightened by the monster I was becoming.

Zinnake lit himself in flames as well before walking into mine to calm me down. Once he was close enough, he forced one of my hands through his fur in an attempt to bring me away from my emotions. I took a couple of deep breaths before I pulled the flames back into my being.

"What are you?" Tone asked, his voice quiet but not quiet enough.

"My name is Peace Gigas-Lupus. I am the daughter of King Angel Gigas-Lupus and Queen Gorenora Gigas-Lupus! I am part Goddess, part Demon! And you are coming with me." I announced, answering the sick male.

Olysseus frowned at me and took a deep breath before he put up his hands in surrender.

"Alright. We will go with you."

"Chain them!" I ordered.

"Too scared to do it yourself, Princess?" Olysseus teased.

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