Chapter Four: Suppressed Love

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When I awoke again, I was still sitting where I had been placed last evening by Olysseus. I looked around to find him asleep on the makeshift beds. I also noticed in my sleep I had shifted so one of my hidden throwing knives strapped to my thigh was showing. I was still pretty surprised they hadn't removed my weapons. But I'd try to use this to my advantage.

I kicked off my boots, trying to make as little noise as possible. Then I used my flexibility to slip the blade out of its strap and in between my toes. While being careful not to slice myself, I moved my feet around until I could grab the blade.

I let out a breath and smiled in victory as I used my long, slender fingers to insert the blade into the lock. I repeated the process with the other throwing knife strapped to my thigh until I had two blades inside the first lock.

"This would be impressive if the locks weren't encased in a layer of magic." Olysseus's suddenly whispered in my ear, scaring the daylights out of me.

"You. You jerk!" I hissed as he made me drop the blades.

"I've been called worse." He shrugged, moving in front of me.

I didn't meet his gaze as he looked down at me. Olysseus let out an annoyed sigh and pulled me to my feet by fixing the chains above my head again.

"I wonder how many other weapons you have. We should probably get rid of those. Now that you've proven you can't be trusted with them."

He smirked and moved almost flush against my body. I used my reflexes to grab one of the blades with my toes and hooked my other leg around his shoulders, so I could press the blade in my foot against his neck.

"What are you waiting for, Little Mate?"

He was completely unfazed by the blade against his neck and just looked at me with a bored expression.

"I'm waiting." He mocked, reaching up and grabbing my ankle.

I let out an irritated growl and let go of my grip on the blade. I couldn't do it. I couldn't hurt him. He smirked and pinned me against the pole, making my cheeks flush a bright red.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Inspecting for other weapons. What else were you thinking of?"

I turned my face away from his questioning gaze as his hands slowly started to roam up my legs. Once he reached my thighs, he undid the straps for my weapons and let them drop to the ground before continuing his search. I squeaked when he groped my rump.

I felt the burning heat of my cheeks along with my quickened heartbeat. I peaked at his face to see no change in his expression, which sent my brain mixed signals. His hands then brushed against my lower abdomen, making me squirm as heat spread throughout my body.

My eyes were shut tight as he teasingly lowered his hand towards my womanhood. It was taking everything in me to stay quiet. But then he quickly moved his hands to my waist where I had hidden blades strapped to each hip. I yelped in surprise as those were ripped off me and tossed to the side of the tent.

Olysseus then moved his hands over my clothed breasts, making me purr. I couldn't hold back anymore from all his teasing. He quickly removed the throwing knives and belt that were underneath my breasts and tossed those away as well before taking a step back.

He smirked at my heavily breathing form before kicking the blades on the ground away from us. I was so embarrassed, I couldn't look him in the eyes. How could he do these things and not feel anything? It was really starting to enrage me.

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