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Ying Yue had spent an effort to understand war tactics. Which was why she could understand when the generals had the meeting.

The nation of Zen was prosperous and filled with an abundance of natural resources. This was one of the reasons why the nation of Qi wanted to seize the land. The current tactic was to use the hills and mountains to their full advantage. Once the soldiers of the Qi nation passed the valley, the soldiers of Zen would use explosives to block the path and reduce the enemy by half its power.

Yin was amazed. Truly these wise generals had experience as each and every one of the plans they explained was mind-opening. But there was an ominous feeling that she could not shake off.

It was only once the meeting ended did Captain Zhu asked Yin what was wrong.

"Forgive me Captain but I still feel like something is missing. Indeed, the tactics that Northern General Sun Bin chose was smart and wise but what if they do not choose to pass the valley instead? What if they climb the valley and choose to attack from the top of the mountain instead?"

Captain Zhu was dumbfounded. Yin's thoughts were very random and imaginative, he found the idea very funny but does not dare to laugh. So instead he said, "The only way for the army of Qi to reach the capital is bypassing the Northern border. And the only way to get to the border is to pass through the valleys. The army of Qi could choose to climb through the valleys but doing so is also advantageous for us as their men would not survive the harsh path."

Yin didn't seem to be convinced but she nods in understanding. "Yes, captain. But what if- "

Captain Zhu dismiss Yin's thoughts as Yin was still seen as a child compared to the experienced generals. She did not know anything and thus the captain did not want to hear any more of the ideas.

Yin notice this and excuses herself away as she wanted to find the Northern General instead, thinking he would listen more.

Yin found the Northern General was at his camp and requested permission to meet him. The Northern General did not refuse as he had heard great things about Yin for Yin was known to be the current best out of the new soldier recruits.

Northern General Sun Bin was stunned. He did not expect the assistant vice-captain Yin to be small and fragile. But welcomed him with a warm smile.

"Greetings Northern General Sun Bin, please excuse soldier Yin for interrupting you but this soldier needs to discuss with the general urgently regarding the upcoming war or else this soldier will not be at ease" Yin greets the general with a kowtow.

".... speak child. What is it that concerns you", General Sun Bin asked. Yin definitely seems to be strong despite his physique but it only left a small impression on the general.

Yin assesses the situation. The Northern General seems to be a patient and wise men and one misspoken word might lead to her head being chopped off in one swift movement. Nevertheless, she wanted to take the risk for this war involving many people's lives, after all, not just soldiers but also the people of Zen Nation.

"Honorable General, the only way to enter the nation of Zen is either through climbing the valleys or passing through the one entrance", Yin looks at the old man but he was still calm and listened to her every word. "But is it possible that there is another way to enter the nation that isn't heard of? Are there no hidden tunnels or passageway that has not been discovered? Has the enemy not made a suspicious move these past few years"

General Sun Bin immediately understood what Yin was trying to convey. He was surprised at how far-sighted Yin had thought and immediately laughs at the young child.

"Child, you truly have thought far into this war. I applaud you for taking this seriously and because this is a serious matter... we have watched the enemy's every move and indeed there is a hidden tunnel that was long abandoned from mining. There is a survey tower held there that would inform us if there is any suspicious movement and the same applies to the enemy's movements." The General smiled at Yin warmly like that of a grandfather teaching his grandchild.

Yin relaxed as this was what she actually wanted to hear. Indeed, the Northern General is as magnificent as the rumours portray him to be. There was no way the enemy could trick a sage man who spent years surviving the war. She immediately stood up to excuse herself.

"I thank the honourable Northern General Sun Bin with all my heart. Please forgive this insolent soldier for thinking foolishly. Honorable Northern General is truly wise and smart as the rumours say you to be", Yin kowtows and looks at the General as if he was a God.

General Sun Bin immediately shakes off Yin and was about to let her leave but he asked her to stop and looked at her in the eye asking, "Are you prepared for what is truly coming child? It seems that you might be at the wrong place here"

Ying Yue was stunned. Indeed, nothing could be hidden from the Northern General Sun Bin.

Yin immediately went down on his knees and looks straight at the General's eyes with determination. "This is the place where I feel like home", Yin smiled at the General.

General Sun Bin sigh and smiled at the child. He accepts her reasoning and lets her go back to her tent, not daring to ask more as Yin did not want to speak.

So long as she was fighting for the country then there was no reason more to attain her besides lying to the army. But the general felt bored lately that he allows Yin to roam freely thinking this would be an interesting thing.

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