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Currently, the nation of Zen's soldiers was winning as they had more advantages. But Yin still felt something was wrong.

They were winning too easily.

The nation of Qi was famous for its soldiers who were ruled with tyranny. They easily rival that of the Zen nation's soldiers who were famous for being strong too. So why were these soldiers easily falling and surrendering?

Yin grabbed one of the enemy soldiers that seems weak and pitiful and put her knife against his neck, "Speak, are you truly soldiers of the nation of Qi?"

The man was actually barely a man as he was still a child who was only 14 years old. They were forcefully grabbed from their family who was farmers near the border and was told to serve the country or their families would die. He explained this to Yin as he did not want to die yet and Yin lets go of the young man, telling him to run as far as possible.

Yin's blood was boiling and she felt like punching something until it was destroyed. But she cooled herself down and clench her elemental sword.

They will pay for using the lives of the people. That was the only promise she made.

Northern General Sun Bin also noticed something was wrong with the soldiers and ceased fighting, ordering them to be captured instead.

A rider who seems to be panicking and rushing straight to the General immediately jumped down his horse and rush to the general's side

The rider spoke about the ambush that had occurred at the old mine and most of the soldiers were killed and now the mine was the enemy's baseline.

General Sun Bin sigh and ordered one of the two generals who were with him to take some soldiers to reclaim the mine.

General Han who was chosen picked the soldiers he knew was strong and vigilant which also consisted of Captain Zhu's batch such as Ting Yi and Yin.

Yin was still full of anger and she wanted to release all of her wraths to the enemy's soldier commander.

Although the mine was far from the current battlefield, it was only a few hours of a journey through using a horse. By the time Yin arrived near the enemy camp, it was nighttime.

Luckily, the group led by General Han was mostly good in ambush and night attacks thus he was confident they could win.

What they did not know was that the strongest general from Qi Nation who was also the current Emperor's brother Wu Li Jian was currently at the mine. He also possesses the imperial sword An that is also the sword of darkness.

Element, Yin's sword sense one of its brothers who was created by the same creator to be nearby.

'Master, I sense a sword that has the same power as me. I think it is one of my brothers that got created from the same creator', Yin tense.

Do you know what power it wields? Element tried to sense but could not know what element the sword bears.

'No master, it seems that I only know it bears an element that is quite strong as the four elements I bear but no worries, out of all the swords created, I am hailed as the strongest!' Element proudly proclaims.

This made Yin smile and relax a bit. But she did not let her guard down.

Besides the four elements, she had an idea of what it could be but choose not to worry instead. The fight will indeed be difficult.

"Yin", Ting Yi called to the side where the captains were at.

Yin nods and proceeds and Captain Zhu then explains that General Han's soldiers would be in charge of the ambush while they were going to be in charge of destroying the mine to not let any other enemy soldiers sneak in.

The attack would commence as soon as possible so the soldier was asked to rest for a bit and eat what they could as well as replenish themselves.

Yin was with Ting Yi and Ting Yi notice the silence from Yin's side. The child was usually a quiet one but he was too quiet at the moment.

"What are you thinking, Yin?" Ting Yi could not help but ask. "It seems that it has been weighing on your mind for a while now as you are too quiet"

Yin actually wanted to be a part of the ambush plan but knew not to go over her boundaries so she just replied, "Nothing, just nervous I guess"

Ting Yi smacked Yin's back and notice how small the soldier was but said "No worries, this is normal for your first time at war"

Yin nods in return and waits until the moment they commence the plan.

As planned, Captain Zhu's group went to the mine that was heavily guarded. They planned to lead the enemy far from the mine and put the explosives to seal the entrance. Then retreat and help with General Han's group and wait for help to come.

Yesterday they have already notified General Sun Bin of what was going on and requested help.

Ting Yi was the group in charge of explosives and he let Yin accompany Captain Zhu to lead the group away from the mine.

So far everything was going as planned and they manage to lead the enemy away from the mine. This time the soldiers were skilled and Yin did not hesitate to finish them off. Yin also used her normal sword instead of Element as she did not want to use it yet.

What she did not know was that she would use it to defeat the enemy's general.

The General's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now