Ch. Four

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They were already seated at the table: Mia, Ava and Brie when they saw Christopher and Trish making their way through the restaurant.

"Oh, look who it is," Ava stated.

"If it isn't the Duke and Duchess of the hood making their way over to meet the commoners," Mia finished for her and Brie cackled away in bubbly laughter.
"Thanks for finally showing up." She added.

"Usually it's us that are always late." Ava ushered between her and Mia as the other two took seats.

"Well, change is always good," Answered the flexuous haired girl, with the slanted eyes. She stretched across the table and kissed the girls on their cheeks, before settling back in her seat.
Christopher did the same with all of them before settling into his chair, some moments after a waiter came up and took their orders. Brie and the other girls were already sipping on a few drinks while they had waited.

"So, how are you guys?" Mia chimed, resting her face into her hands as they settled elbows down on the table. She had directed her question toward Christopher and Trish.

"We're doing good, loving the new apartment so far, " Chris answered.

"Yeah, it's been really nice this past couple of weeks. There's more room to move around and it's really worth the money."

"Aww, I'm really stoked you guys like it." Mia cheered.

"What about you Brie, how's you know.." Trish trailed off, an impish smirk appeared across her face, her ample lips stretched beautifully.
"How's that sweet hunk of sexiness you got laying up at home waiting for ya?"

Brie couldn't help but blush as all eyes fell onto her. Her friends were very vocal about their obsession with Raye.
Over the past months they'd all grown to love and adore her in such a cute way but before it wasn't always like that and they've come a very long way and she was proud.

"She's the best thing I could've ever asked for guys and I can never stop saying that."

"That's really cute," Ava held her heart.

"So when are you going to pop the question then, you and Raye seem like you're both serious about each other, why wait?" Asked Christopher and the entire table gasped and then there was silence afterwards.

"I do want too, but I'm waiting for the right moment. To me, there's no rush to ask it."

"Anytime could be the right time, you just need to make it."

"Right, " Ava chuckled. "Then when are you going to pop the question to Trish, since anytime could be the right time mister?"

Visibly Trisha blushed. Whenever mentions of marriage, proposals and children came up she gets embarrassed and she knew why. She wanted them, like most people and thinking of it was different but then hearing it out of the mouth of someone else it always did something to her.

"As I've said, anytime is the right time, you just need to make it and Brie said it before, there's no rush."

"Yeah, but we want to see mini versions of each of you guys running around the place. I want to be called auntie so badly you guys don't even understand." Stressed Mia prompting everyone at the table laugh heartily.

"So what about you guys, why aren't either of you thinking of the same things you've been dying to see us do?"
Brienna questioned with a smirk. She smirked because she was the only person at the table beside Ava and Mia that was actually aware of what was happening between them.

Almost a year and a half ago she had foreseen both girls messing around with each other and just a few months ago Mia confided in her about their little love affair. She was more than ecstatic to hear that they were messing around because she always saw it coming and also, they were cute together. Beside Mia, Ava blushed and despite trying to hide it, it showed causing Brie to smile while taking a sip of her drink.

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