Ch. Twenty- Two

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On the third ring, Luca picks up, quickly Brie takes her finger away from her mouth after she'd spent some time nibbling away at her nail. She was worried. It had been just over an hour and a half since her phone call with Raye when the girl said she was on her way home. Brie thought she'd be back by now, but she was sadly mistaken. Maybe she stayed a little while longer with Luca or had gone to see her brother. The only way she was going to know was when she found out from the older man.

"Hey doll," he answers gaily and Brienna smiles at the name. She knew Luca was just being himself and would often nickname her and Raye the same.

"Hi Luca, I was wondering if by any chance Raye was still there or if she'd left yet?"

"What, no, no. Raye left awhile ago doll. She stormed out about some two hours ago,"

"Stormed out, what do you mean?" She asks, pacing the floor, her brows drawing down and creasing. She could've sworn Raye had left, she even said so herself.

"There was an altercation here tonight, nothing big,"


"I can't say much, but she'll be fine, just try her phone again. I bet she's either with your brother or some of the fellas,"

"Yeah, sure I'll try her again."

"Have a good night Brienna,"
Luca bids and she replies quietly.
As soon as she was off the call, Brie dials Raye again only for her number to go straight to voicemail. She didn't like it all, so she calls one the guys, Paolo and he answers.

"Hey, by any chance is Raye with you?"

"Not at all,"

"Well, do you know where she could be?"

"The last I heard she was with her uncle. She'd call me to make sure that you and your siblings were alright,"

"And you're sure that's the last time you spoke to her,"

"Yes ma'am," Paolo replies and Brienna grows tense. That wasn't normal at all unless Raye had suddenly decided that she wanted to take a breather somewhere quiet which was unlike her usual self. Even if she did she'd always let Brie know where she was headed.

The thought of the altercation Luca mentioned made her even more nervous and she found herself biting the insides of her mouth due to the level of anxiety she felt. "If you see her can you tell her I said I'm going to kill her for not letting me know where she is, "

"Sure," the guy laughs, promising to deliver the message once he comes into contact with Raye. When she comes off the phone, Brie tries her for one last time only to get the same result.
She cursed in the air, something she rarely did. She was worried about her, with all the things going on around them she needed to be. Brie couldn't stand hearing anything bad befallen her love, she'd lose it for sure.

Slouching down onto the couch, Brie checks her phone for the millionth time trying to make sure she didn't miss a call or a text. She'd grown paranoid, she had every right to be. She'd come home from work expecting Raye to be there only to find out that she wasn't. Then she was told she was on her way, only to not show up. She wanted her around, especially this late at night but only God knew what the big-headed girl was up to so late.

As she sat there, Brie fights against the urge to sleep. She'd kept on nodding away, only to snap out the daze and check her phone to see nothing. It wasn't fair she caught herself thinking, Raye knew how much she hated the unanswered calls and texts yet she'd done it either way.

Frothing at the mouth from her anger, Brie decides to lay her head down and nap while she waited. Raye was going to show up in her own time and when she did, she'd be right there to greet her. Quickly, her eyes lower shut and she falls into a slumber where she dreams of nothing and everything.

When Our Worlds Collide (GxG)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz