Yandere!Merman x F!reader

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Hello everyone! This wasn't suggested by anyone, I just felt like writing this one. I have noticed that there are not many yandere mermaids or merman fics. But I already have so many unfinished ones. Well maybe in the future.


Author P.O.V

After a long day of school/work, Y/n and her friends decided to go to a nearby beach. It wasn't huge but people living nearby enjoyed going there from time to time. Usually when it was an extremely hot day that small beach would be packed with people. Y/n and her friends grew around the beach and had visited the place since they were young. Everyone's parents had always told them "don't swim where your feet don't touch the bottom". Y/n and others always followed this rule since they already knew what would happen if they didn't.

It was no secret that kids, even adults, had died because they went to the deeper parts. The odd thing was that some of the adults that died had been master swimmers and know waters like the back of their hand. Yet somehow they just drowned. Many have fear of deep waters and everyone in this town has it... well all except one.

Your P.O.V

I was ecstatic, I haven't visited the beach for a while because of school/work. It was a hot day so the moment we got there I ran to dip my feet in the water. As I sat on the dock my feet in the water, I could hear my b/f/n chuckling to herself. Very soon she came over to you and sat next to you, putting her own feet into the water as well. She sighs "It's been a long time since we visited, hasn't it Y/n?" I nod agreeing with her statement. "Sooo... What does it feel like to have c/n in here with us?" I look at her with a confused expression. "What do you mean by that?" She looks at me like I'm not getting some sort of hint. "I mean, he is your crush, is he not? Why don't you go talk to him? Spend time with him, get to know him." I look down at the water. "I don't think he likes me. Don't you remember, he is dating Ashley," I say as I lazily point at the shore where Ashley is 'helping' c/n to get our stuff out of the car but she is actually just flirting.

Ashley was a close friend of ours until c/n asked her out. She has become more distant and all she cares about is her current love life. B/f/n let out another chuckle and put her hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure? Because I heard a rumor going around saying that he only asked Ashley out to get closer to you." She says and winks. I playfully push her. "C'mon this is not some sort of fanfic or some crazy romance story."

(a/n:.. They are becoming self-aware...)

"Alright, alright let's go help those guys so we can actually get our stuff and snacks of the car since those two are not exactly doing a good job." She stood up and started to walk towards the car. As I stood up, I saw something at the corner of my eye but when I looked at that spot, all I see is a splash. Waves just hitting the rocks I guess.

??? P.O.V

Whew, she almost saw me. I need to be more careful if I want my plan to work. Those three would drown just fine but that girl...Y/n, I can't help but feel something move in my chest. It's not common for our people to have humans as a partner but it's not unheard of either. Not that anyone could boss over me since I am the leader. There are zero ways to make a human into a merperson but there are ways to give humans the ability to breathe underwater. All she needs is one kiss from me and she would be able to join me in my world. Don't worry my little sea flower, things are much better down here.

Your P.O.V

After getting our stuff finally out of the car, we decided to take a swim. We found old changing rooms that somehow was still standing tall. After changing into our swimsuits, Ashley quickly ran towards c/n and immediately started posing very sexually. B/f/n looked at my way with pity in her eyes and I just give her the look of 'I'm fine'. We all go to the dock and put our bags down before we go swimming.

As we go swimming, we just play around a bit. Ashley shrieking everything either me or b/f/n throw water at her and she climbs at c/n calling us meanies. She is in the water already, I don't see what the issue is. I go to the dock since I was thinking about jumping in from there and I notice that my bag is gone. It was there a moment ago with everyone else's stuff. I look around for a bit and it seems that only four of us are in here. We were all playing, so none of us could have taken it.

I take a look around and see it on top of a rock. How did it get there? Who took it there? There is no other way than swimming there. I have never swum that far before. Challenge accepted! I jump into the water and start swimming towards the rock. I get to the rock and I look into the bag to see if everything is still in the bag. Everything is here, great. Suddenly I see something under the water. It's getting closer and closer. Until head pops up from the water, I'm a bit taken aback. Who? What? Why? "Don't go yet." A smooth voice comes out. A guy with black hair looks me into the eyes. "Who are you?" I ask while leaning away from the person that literally appeared underwater. "Don't worry your little head with that." He says as he pulls himself up. A t-tail? WHAT!?

I stammer a little bit backward until I hear a small shriek. I look back at the shore to see everyone to be surrounded by what seems like to be merpeople. I have a bad feeling about this. Suddenly I feel hands take hold of my face and turn my head. Merman is softly caressing my face with his thumbs. He leans forward towards me. "Don't be scared." He says as we fall from the rock into the water. He puts his lips on mine to kiss me. I can feel a shock run through my body. Pain fills my lungs and neck, it feels like it's being ripped apart. I start struggling against his hold but he won't budge. As I'm slowly losing vision, he smiles and says, "It's alright, we will have long time to spend together... right?... Y/n."


(words 1162)

yandere monster/creature/urban legend/folklore X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now