chapter 9 were wolf history

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Note: this is a filler chapter

There is a curse in the werewolf kingdom. It can also be taken as a blessing. How the curse happened.....

Some 800 years ago the werewolf was ruled by Hagon's ancestors. The king at that time is little stubborn and he has his own ideas

Some werewolf was mated to humans and he didn't like it. He always made them rougue or killed them

Moon goddess mated him with a human mate.

When he was strolling along the human market to buy something for his toy girls he found his mate selling some food

He gets angered that he was mated to a weak human.

He just kidnapped her from there and made her stay in a small room far away from him

He marked her on the first day against her will and raped her. After that he will visit her every weak to fulfill his thirst

This continues for one month after that he wants a strong queen so he went for a tour in search of his queen

It took him 5 months to find a suitable person

He took her to his kingdom and married her and he marked and mated with her on the same day

He took her to his human mate the next day

The sight he saw was a weak human with a small baby boy

The baby is his heir so he wants to take him from her but the mother become protective of his child

She is weak from the deception of her mate but she will not go down without fight

The next thing she know she was shifting. Yes she become werewolf after one month of her marking and on a special full moon day.

She is a beautiful snow white wolf which is rare not only rare she is the second one he can't believe his eyes he regret his actions. He wants to be powerful so he want her back. But his chosen queen has some other ideas she wants the white wolf and her baby dead.

Because she doesn't want other persons child as a king she wants her baby as a king

So she shifts into her brown wolf and lounges towards the baby to kill him

It happens very fast that the king cannot believe his chosen mate is going to kill his son his heir but he cannot move he was stilled

But the white wolf attacked her before she touches the baby

They fought for sometime eventhough she is weak from delivery and deception she doesn't give up she wants to protect her son

After the battle the fake queen ended up dead

The real queen came towards the king she looked at the eyes of the cruel beast that made her life hell

She said " You have to protect our child with your life and make him a great king.
You have to teach him all good traits he shouldn't grow up like you he should know respect towards mate. And one more thing he should grow up with good people not with you you can monitor him daily and meet him weakly once like you come to me because I don't want him to be like you " with that said she fell to ground.

He ran towards her to help her but he got a heartbreaking pain. Which represents she is dead. He didn't even feel when the fake queen died eventhough he marked her but his original queen's death tore him he is almost a shell of a person

At the time a white light appeared. The moon goddess appeared in front of him.

" You filthy mutt, I gave you my daughter you killed her. Today I say that all the king's mate will be human. If you behave it will be your blessing or it will be your curse. Those who cheat will get cursed even though those who get cheated feel the pain they will be blessed with a good mate who appreciate them.

Teach your heir good manners and make him follow it for generation so that your family family will proper or it will be destroyed and I will raise a new king who is fit for the position." She yelled at him angrily and took her daughter the future moon goddess along with her. The only thing is the future moon goddess will be without mate.

After that the king ruled the kingdom with iron hands if someone cheat their mate they will be punished cruelly so that it will be lesson to those who commit sin.

He gave his son to his beta family and he will visit him every week and play with him and tell him his story and warn him that he should be good and that is the only day the king is happy

After that nobody dared to cheat and the son loved his human mate treated her like a treasure so the kingdom prospered.

The old king committed suicide after crowning his son as the king because of guilt he only lived to fulfill his mate's dying wish and moon goddess order

After that for 300 hundred years there is no problem

Every first born will be male and born with king's mark 'a crown 👑' in any part of his body

The present king was searching for his nate. He is 27 now, he still can't find his mate he will go around the world in search of mate.

That year he found his mate but she is already married to a man and had a child he doesn't want to disturb their family but they are poor so he explained everything to her except the king part and asked her to give him a heir and he promised them lot of money.

With her husband's permission she accepted and he marked her and matted with her to get a heir. He got what he want but he suffered a severe heartache after that even though it is not his fault he suffered

He doesn't want his son to experience the same suffering so he started living among humans he left his palace and started business among humans

They will come to palace once every year to celebrate moon goddess. That day human mates shifts into werewolf.

They experience lots of difficulties due to new environments like kids shifts accidently some werewolf who lost their loved one howling and changing in middle of street.

so he gathered all special werewolf and witches and established EPS in case of emergency and accidents

This is why Hagon is still in denial.

According to him his mate died so even though he likes carol no one can replace his mate.

He doesn't want to cheat on his mate even though she died.

He already feel like cheating on his mate for liking another person

So he is thinking of dying earlier

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