Chapter 13 Its right

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Carol was shocked to hear him

So she immediately jumped from the bed removing IV line from her hand

"No no no no this is not right" she said impatiently

"What is not right" he asked

"You proposing me. It's not right.... You are just proposing me because I saved your life. I know how much you hate me. You don't even want me in your sight. And I also know that you had a mate and she was dead. You are still in love with her. So if you think that because I saved your life you think that you will sacrifice for me then I don't want such relationship. You know I will save whoever in that position. Even though I love you it doesn't mean that you have to accept my love because I saved you." She started blabbering. As soon as she realised that she exposed herself of loving him , she opened her eyes widely and closed her mouth with her hands.

Hagon know what she is trying to say. But he can't control his smile when she confessed her love subconsciously

"It's right, you know everything is right, yeah I met my mate 15 years ago. She was soo cute I fell in love her immediately.But I lost her that day itself. I searched for her everywhere for ten years. After that I felt her die 5 years ago and because I too fainted that day I couldn't feel her being bought back to life so the only feeling that is left in me was she is dead. So I too was dead that day. I just simply was alive for my family. Because I loved her too much living felt like hell to me." He said. Carol felt jealous towards his mate

He continued" that's why when I felt attracted towards you I don't want to acknowledge it I thought I was cheating my mate. That's why I was hard on you. But do you know what I found two days ago I found that my mate is alive do you know how happy I was . I don't want to leave her side for even a minute"

Carol was confused" then why are you still by my side you have to be with her . That's why it's not right for me be your girlfriend"

"It's right my cute little angel because you are my mate, you are my love whom I was searching for and whom I thought was dead."he said happily

"What....." Carol shouted with surprise

"Yes you are who I am waiting for but I couldn't recognise you because of your necklace but I felt the pull but since I thought you were my second chance mate I thought I should be truthful to my first mate didn't acknowledge you sorry for being a jerk and for hurting you."he apologized

"But I don't remember meeting you before" she is still confused

"Are you sure about" he slowly went near her and started unbuttoning his shirt

Carol yelled " what are you doing" and closed her eyes but she slightly peaked through her fingers but closed immediately because he is removing his pants

She can hear some rustling sounds like something is moving here and there and she heard growling sound so she hesitated for a second but curiosity wins and she moved her finger slightly to peak

What she saw didn't frighten her but amazed her because she is already aware of werewolf and had seen Oliver and Ezra's wolf before but this wolf is pitch black and huge and bigger than any other

She removed her hand fully from her eyes and gently moved to touch the wolf

"Hagon?" she asked

The wolf nodded. She touched its neck and stroke it slightly

The wolf purred and licked her cheek

Then she saw his eyes, the eyes of her puppy which she thought died trying to save her

Her puppy all grown standing in front of her. She thought of taking her puppy home and keep for herself but she saw him die

She hugged him tightly and started crying.

"I saw you were.... trying to save me..... and they injected..... something on you.... and I saw your.... eyes close..." She managed to tell him between her crying

She cried for a long time and at last she  slept on his tummy cuddled by a black fur beast

When she woke up it's already morning she saw his puppy yawning cutely and stretching his front legs.

She can't manage but to smile. Her puppy is so cute.

"Cute..." She said to him and patt his fur

He opened his eyes and saw her smiling at him so he changed to his human form suddenly. Now carol is lying on his chest.

She closed her eyes again and ran towards the bathroom

Hagon also changed to his dress and was waiting for her to come out

Carol after finishing her early morning routine came out of the rest room and saw hi siting on the bed

She opened her mouth to say something but the door opened and the nurse came inside for the regular check up

They saw the IV line was removed from Carol's hand. And carol standing near the restroom.

"What is happening here" the nurse asked

"I am alright sister" carol replied

"How could you remove the IV without my permission." The nurse yelled angrily at carol. Actually she is jealous. She saw Hagon devoted to her and never left her side. She tried to grab his attention but but she never got any. So she was angry that carol got his full attention.

But she didn't see Hagon sitting in the corner of the bed which cannot be seen in the from the door

She continued" oh I know you are a janitor in king's enterprise right. I shouldn't have yelled at you. All uneducated people behave like this. But why should I deal with such shit" she told her

Carol eyes watered. It's not her fault that she is not educated. She was not provided education if her father is alive she will also be educated property and might have been in a better job.

Hagon's patience was worn out he just doesn't want to interfere but that sister's word made his cry so he wants to show the sister her place

"What is happening here " he asked and came out of his place.

Seeing that Hagon is also present the sister was ashamed of her behaviour but she didn't show it rather she started flirting with him

"Hi " she winked at him " I am just telling her that it is wrong to remove the IV line without my permission"

"But I removed it" he lied to her

" Oh..." She doesn't know am" he asked herwhat to say

"Do you know who I

"You are Mr. King, the president of king enterprise" she replied

"Do you know who she is" he asked again

"Carol a janitor in your company" she said sarcastically

"No she is not the janitor of the company. But she is the queen of my kingdom, my eternal love, My other half. Don't... Ever.... Talk to her like that again then you will know what I can do to close the ugly mouth of yours " he warned her

Carol saw he is angered and ran towards him to make him calm. She knows that the mate has the power to make the wolf calm. So wants to test if she is really his mate

As soon as carol touched his shoulder he turned and hugged her like his life is dependent on her

She forgot all the hurtful words the nurse said earlier. It's ok not to be educated she thought. It's ok to be janitor. Because of these things she met his soul mate. Her journey is a long one but it pushed her towards him.

"Ok I accept to be your girlfriend" she said smiling shyly

"Yay"Hagon lifted her bridal style and rotated her happily

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