#broken in christmas

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The city decorated with all the types of light was lit up like a Christmas tree. People all around me were high in holiday spirits. Positivity and happiness were there for everyone this holiday season. Everyone, except for me.

I had just found out that my husband of 4 years had been cheating on me. I was devastated when I caught him in his office doing more than just work with his secretary. It left me heartbroken, angry, hurt... Oh, how angry I was. I'd immediately left and went to my parents house, without waiting for an explanation from him.

He took his sweet time to come and get me. When his did, I'd already decided that I would get a divorce. Dad was supporting my decision of leaving him while my mom, she wanted me to get back with him. She'd said that we were too young when we'd married; this was bound to happen. A vow renewal would be perfect to remind him of our marriage. The Hudson family didn't have it in them to have a failed marriage. They stuck together even though they made each other's life miserable. I didn't want that kind of life for myself, I'd decided to leave him. Mom and I argued frequently in this topic, leaving our relationship strained.

Seeing everyone with their families, happily enjoying their holidays made me feel like I was missing something. A small part of me wanted to give in to my mom and Nick; just to be with someone for the holidays.

Falling back onto something as toxic and breakable as that for just a day wasn't a smart choice, was it?

Moreover, I had better things to think about... like the pending promotion at work - my appointment as the head manager in Posh events; that is if I'd reach at the annual Christmas Ball on time and host the best party ever held.

I'd been running late. If I didn't reach there in half an hour then I could kiss that promotion goodbye.

Luck wasn't on my side as there weren't many cabs running right now. The ones which were, were packed with passengers.

"Taxi!" I called out frantically, trying to stop one.

Finally, a taxi halted in front of me. The driver who didn't look too pleased to see me get in, had an angry scowl on.
"Get out!"

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