Raizel x clan leader!reader

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You walked slowly on the huge throne hall and kneeled down in front of the lord, a few meters away from his throne. The lord flashed me a small smile as I lowered down my gaze respectfully.

"You called, my lord?" You asked in a monotone voice.

"Yes, thank you for coming here, [your name]. I have been waiting for you. I have am extremely important task for you and I need you to complete it as soon as possible." He spoke as he hummed, propping his chin with a hand, a serious and unreadable expression was plastered on his face. Gejutel K. Landegre, Krasis Blerster and Ragar Kertia all shared a look with each other, obviously very confused about this very urgent task.

"I apologize for making you wait. I am ready to serve you, my lord." You apologized as you placed a hand on your chest and closed your eyes, bowing down at him once more.

"That's alright. Now, I need you to go visit Cadis Etrama Di Raizel as soon as possible. I heard that he is with Muzaka at the moment, well for the past few weeks, actually. You may leave after Muzaka left, but you may stay as well." He commanded, a cheeky grin tugging at the corner of his lips as he whispered the last part to himself. Everyone in the room sweat-dropped at his words but I stood up and bowed down to him, muttering a soft "As you wish, my lord." before excusing myself.

─ timeskip.

Standing in front of the old and huge mansion of Lord Raizel's, you let out a soft sigh and try to keep yourself under control. You can't be making any mistake in front of such renowned Noblesse and not to mention the one you've been having a huge crush on for years.

'Such a sinful feeling, so shameful of you, [your name].' you thought to yourself as you decided to knock lightly on their door and patiently wait for their response. A footsteps were heard when suddenly a familiar blond opens the door and revealed himself with a warm smile.

"Oh, [your name]. You're here, please come in."

"Greetings, Frankenstein. I came here by the order of the lord."

"Follow me, I will lead you to his room right away, as usual. and oh, Muzaka is with him at the moment."

"Thank you, Frankenstein." You thanked him and flashed him a small and polite smile, trailing behind him as you both walked through the long and dark hallways.

Frankenstein started making small talks between us as we walk to Lord Raizel's room. You and him have gotten quite close from the constant visit you made to their mansion by the order of the lord. Whenever you're free, you would usually come with Ragar and sometimes even Gejutel to have a duel with Frankenstein. You are the last family member of your clan and you have been a clan leader for quite sometime. But despite being more mature than your age, you are still the youngest one out of all clan leaders and that leads to them paying extra attention on you. Even Frankenstain seems to behave like an older brother whenever you're around.

Soon enough, a familiar door can be seen from a far. Raizel's room or his so called office. Frankenstein motioned at the door with his arm, giving you an unreadable expression accompanied by a small grin as he excused himself. You bowed at him and muttered a soft gratitude before turning to the door. You knocked lightly on the door and waited for their response.

"Come in."

Your heart unconsciously skipped a beat at the sound of the familiar deep voice. Letting out a small sigh, you twisted the door knob and entered the room. You were greeted with the sight of his back as he was facing the window as usual. He turned around a little to acknowledge your presence before focusing his attention back to the sky.

"Lord Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, I came with the order of the lord." You explained as you bowed down respectfully at him, receiving a single nod in return. Finding no sign of Muzaka, you decided to ask him.

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