Raizel x shy!reader x Frankenstein

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Requested: Magixwolf2
I'm so sorry for the wait! It took me ages to finish this oneshot, goshh! I'm not sure its because I wasn't able to focus or because i was just super busy with school.
Once again, i'm so sorry for making you wait like for a very long period of time.
Anyways, please enjoy~
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Y/N's P.O.V
I let out a deep sigh, trying to calm down myself as i knocked on the huge door to the noblesse's mansion softly a couple of times. After a few moment, the door opened to reveal Frankenstein, Cadis Etrama di Raizel's one and only butler in his all handsome glory smiling at me, making me blush slightly at his warm gaze.

"Good e-evening, Frankenstein. Pardon the intrusion, i've come with the order of the lord" I said as i cursed myself for stuttering. I tried to smile at him and ignore my blush but he seems to notice my blush as he smirked, but pretended that he sees nothing.

"Good evening, Lady Y/N. As usual, right this way." He said as he bowed down a little before opening the door wider to make space for me to walk in. I walk inside and mumbled a soft thank you as he nodded at me.

"What is the lord's order this time, Lady Y/N?" He asked as we walked side by side. "Just the u-usual check up" i said, still stuttering a little. We then walked in silence for a while before he stopped at a huge dark brown door. He turned to me and bowed as he put a hand to the door knob.

"Master is inside, Lady Y/N."

"Thank you, Frankenstein. Enjoy your evening" i said as he opened the door knob to reveal the usual sight, Raizel facing the window.

"Good evening Sir Raizel, i've come with the order of the lord" i greeted as he nodded at me and gave me a small smile.

"Come in, Y/N"

"Master, i will be back with the tea. What kind of tea would you like to have this evening?" Frankenstein politely asked, bowing at his master before giving us both a smile.

"Let Y/N choose the tea, Frankenstein."

"Of course, master. Lady Y/N, what tea would you like to have?"

I blushed as both of them look at me. Raizel only glanced at me as he still faces the window.

"Uh... any tea is fine honestly."


"I'll pick Sir Raizel's favorite tea."

Frankenstein smiled at me, "Yes, Lady Y/N. I'll make it right away, Master. Please excuse me" he bowed down to both of us before excusing himself. I sat down at the sofa as raizel sat down in front of me.

"I-its such a beautiful night, isnt it, Sir Raizel?" I spoke up, trying to start a conversation. He only nodded at me as he glanced back at the window.

"Was Sir Muzaka here?" I asked once again, glancing at the window.

"Yes, he was here a few hours ago." He responded as he smiled softly.

"It's good that he visited you often, Sir Raizel. You must be very lonely, staying here in this huge mansion."

"Not really, i have Frankenstein with me too"

I frowned slightly at what he said, "but he was not here before."

"Yes. The other clan leaders come visit from time to time too."

I smiled at the thought of them making a ruckus at his mansion because he accepted Frankenstein to stay here with him. "They're just worried because of Frankenstein, Sir Raizel. For me, I fully trusted Frankenstein. He is a kind man and he will be very loyal to you, well at least, you have someone here with you"

"You visited often too" he pointed out and we locked eyes as i blushed brightly.

"T-that's true... The Lord did gave me a lot of orders" I stuttered out as i averted my eyes.

"Come visit more often, Y/N. We enjoyed your company, both me and Frankenstein" he commented, i look up and noticed pink tinting his cheeks as i blushed even brighter at his words.

"Y-yes, Sir Raizel. I will visit more often"

Suddenly a knock was heard from the door and frakenstein walked in with a tray with 2 cups of tea. He smiled at both of us before serving us the tea. I picked up the cup of tea and smiled as the strong fragnance of tea filled my nostrils.
I took a small sip and smiled once again as the warm tea warmed up my whole body.

"Thank you, F-frankenstein. The tea taste good" i praised as he bowed down at me and presented me a thankful smile.

"Lady Y/N, would you like some more tea?" He offered, leaning towards me as i blushed at his sudden actions.

"N-no thank you, Frankenstein. I still have p-plenty of tea left" i stuttered as i showed my my half-full cup of tea. He nodded as he leaned away, still with the sweet smile playing on his lips. I glance at Sir Raizel to find him looking away, gazing at the sky from the corner of his eyes.

"So, is this Sir Raizel's favorite tea?" I asked to both of them, trying to start a conversation.

"Yes, Lady Y/N. Master drank this tea every afternoon and always with 8 cube of sugar."

I giggled at his love of sugar as Sir Raizel let out an embarrassed cough, signaling Frankenstein to stop.

"Forgive me, Master."

"Anyways, thank you very much for the tea. I'm afraid i must leave now" i said as i stood up. Sir Raizel then stood up and nodded to me.

"Come again" he said as i smiled brightly at him, trying to hide my blush as i quickly excused myself. Frankenstein then walked me to the door.

"Master seems to be happy when you're here" he said as he opened the front door.

"I-is that so?" I responded, walking out and faced forward to hide my blush.

"Yes, and so do i. Please come again soon, Lady Y/N" He flashed me a bright smile as we locked eyes.

"Of course. See you soon, Frankenstein" i said shortly before walking away, to hide my red face from his words. Not sure why, a visit to this mansion always excites me. I'm looking forward to the lord's next order...
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See you next time~


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