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"Sooo..." Aria drawls as we lock up the building the next day. "Do you mind if Scarlett joins us?"

I cross my arms, leaning up against the frame of the entrance. "Who's that?"

Aria gives me her usual look of disbelief. It's not new to me because I've seen it many times from other people. They just can't seem to believe that I've managed to avoid being sucked into social media and all the other cyber norms. I, however, can't understand where the fun in posting pictures and letting everyone know about your life comes from. Or why the number of followers you have matters more than the number of books you've read or hikes you've been on. Where is the fun in documenting every second of your life when it hardly benefits you?

"Scarlett Morton," Aria explains, "is one of my teammates. We were supposed to go out for drinks tonight, but I made up an excuse to get out of it."

A small crease forms between my brows. "And this involves me because...?"

She sighs, slipping the key in her pocket and turning to me. "It involves you because I had the event written down on the calendar app in my phone to act as a reminder, which went off in the locker room today. Inevitably leading to Scarlett finding out that I was bailing on her to make soap with you." Aria pauses, eyeing me carefully. "She wants to meet you, Leo. So...are you cool with her joining us? If not, I can tell her to stay away."

See what I mean? This is exactly why I still have a flip-phone. It guarantees my privacy. No one dares to look at my phone because they see it as an insult to technology have no interest in it whatsoever.

Due to the fact that Mom and Aunty Tenille will be there, helping Aria and I make soap so we don't blow up the kitchen like my dad almost did when he tried to help Aunty Tenille years ago, I'd rather Scarlett not come. That being said, she may help even out the playing field a little more. If Aria has a friend there, who my mom and aunt have never met, it might steer them away from telling Aria embarrassing stories about my life. 

"Sure," I shrug, trying to play it casually. "She can come. I don't mind."

Aria's eyebrows raise in surprise. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I reply. "Seriously. It's not a big deal."

"Okay," she nods. "I'll text her and let her know, then. So where are we going? Did you walk here this morning?"

It's Leo's turn to nod, and he jerks his thumb over his shoulder. "I did, but it's not too long of a walk. Maybe about half an hour or so." 

"That works out perfectly," she replies. "Benn dropped me off this morning."

I don't know why she's explaining the fact that Benn dropped her off to me – I was already at work when he did – but I don't complain. Ever since we kissed, it seems as though we've been making pointless small talk. It's enough to drive me certifiably insane because I'm not one for making pointless conversations. However, despite my ignorance against small talk, it seems as though it's the only thing we can come up with. While Aria and I have been friendly with each other, there's a certain sense of awkwardness budding between us. I don't like it. I wanted to put it to stop earlier and tell her that I like her, that, despite my inexperience, I would like to take her out on a date. But I chickened out. Typical Leo. 

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