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With the week coming to an end, I didn't want to spend the next two days not speaking to Belle. Yes, knowing Belle will never love me, disappointed me, but I chose to put that aside and enjoy our remaining time together. It's all I had left.

Actions have a way of affecting you in a way you never thought possible. I never knew how lonely it is without human interaction until a witch forced me into it. It's all because of how I treated her and others.

Since I spent time with Belle, I found myself enjoying everything more. Belle made that possible. She showed me that kindness is vital and that with it, happiness will follow.

I didn't mention my feelings again and let it go. I can't force someone to love me, but I can protect the person. I made a promise to Arthur that I would defend Belle, and I intend to keep that promise.

I found Belle in the conservatory, enjoying the roses, especially the blue rose. I walked over to the table and stood on the opposite side.

"I find it interesting," Belle said as I watched her.

"What's that?" I asked.

"That someone would create something so unique and the person who it was for, never saw it," Belle said, referring to the rose.

"Perhaps the person created it for someone else than the one they intended," I said, knowing why Arthur created the blue rose.

"How so?" Belle asked curiously.

"When we create something unique, we hope the world sees it, never intending to show it to anyone. It's a special moment for us to cherish and created out of love. The previous owner took one rose that represented passion and bred it within another rose that represents purity to create a rare rose. That itself is admirable," I explained.

"I never thought of it that way," Belle replied.

"Because we never look deeper to see the true beauty of creation," I mentioned.

Belle looked at me with her chestnut eyes as I smiled slightly.

"So, tomorrow you leave," I mentioned.

"Yes," Belle whispered.

"The fairytale books will be waiting for you. I will prepare them," I said as Belle furrowed her brows.

"It's not necessary," Belle said.

I raised a paw. "I changed the agreement, and you stayed. I promised the books to you, and you will have them," I said as I lowered my paw and left the conservatory.

I went to the library and found books. I pulled each one out, holding the stack in my arms. I grabbed the paper and wrapped each book. When I came to the last one, it flipped open, and I watched pages flip to a blank page. Writing appeared on it as I watched. Once the script finished, I read the inscription.

Love comes in many forms. When we feel all is lost, true love prevails. It will be true love that breaks the curse. It's the same love that rescues us when we don't deserve it. It will take a kind heart to love a damaged one.

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