True love

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I cried as I laid on Damien. My heart hurt, and my pain engulfed me. Everyone stood around and watched me as tears fell down their cheeks.

As I sobbed, someone made their way out from the shadows. Everyone noticed the person as they parted ways, allowing the older woman to walked towards us.

"Such a shame," the woman said as I looked at her with tear-streaked cheeks. "While one chose the wrong path, another chose the right path. Not all hope is lost, child."

The woman reached for me, placing her palm under my chin. Tears fell as the woman removed her hand, then stepped back.

We watched as the older woman changed, then lifted her hand, lifting Damien from the floor into the air. I moved back as I watched as a light engulfed Damien. The woman rolled her other hand as we watched Damien transform from a beast to a human.

Everyone stared at the transformation in stunned silence. The woman set Damien down on his feet as I rose to my feet. The light faded as Damien opened his eyes, looking at his hands, which weren't paws. I watched Damien touch his face, then turn his head to find his back healed.

I looked at Damien as he looked at me. We made our way to each other as I threw my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my back.

"You're alive," I whispered.

"Yes," Damien whispered, holding me.

We pulled back, and I looked into his amber eyes as he leaned into me, capturing my lips with his lips. I didn't hesitate to kiss Damien again as I moved my hands to the back of his head.

"Okay, I don't know what happened, but I'm waiting downstairs," Chandler said, leaving the attic.

"What type of edibles did Diego sell us?" Kris asked as Liliana shrugged.

The others followed suit as we broke from our kiss, and Damien held me in his arms. I never wanted to let go of him.


It felt great to hold Belle in my arms as a human and not a beast. I never thought I would appreciate being a human until I wasn't. I pulled back and looked at Belle.

"I have one question for you?" I asked.

"What's that?" Belle asked me.

"Are you insane? What would possess you to risk your life for me?" I asked.

"A thank you would suffice," Belle said.

I looked at Belle and shook my head, chuckling.

"Never do that again. I don't want anything to happen to you," I said.

"Fine, but on one condition," Belle said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Keep the beard," Belle said, tugging at my beard.

I chuckled. "I became used to hair, just not all over my body," I replied as Belle giggled.

"Well, isn't this a happy reunion," someone said, walking towards us.

I didn't recognize the person. She had horns, pale skin, and fangs. I shielded Belle from the woman.

"It looks like you learned your lesson, Damien. That impresses me," the woman said.

"Who are you?" I asked, confused.

"Allow me to show you," the woman said as she changed into someone else.

Beauty's BeastOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant