09 | scarred vengeance - Z a c h

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Chapter Nine



She pushed me away. Again.


What do I fucking lack?


Why can't she give in to me, for once?


I never took Ella as a money-hungry bitch. She was like an angel, both inside and out. I had sworn to love her eternally. Her laughter and smiles were the reason I lived. Until that day.


I clench my jaws and glare at the red liquid dripping down my fist. The cuts from before have reopened.

I look at the time, it's beyond midnight. I take the towel and wipe the sweat off my shoulder, chest and abs before throwing it away. The rage inside me isn't going to calm anytime soon.

I close the door to the gym room and walk down the hallway, my mind is still stuck on her. Fuck, what is wrong with me?

I pass by her room. My feet stop at their own. I try opening the door and surprisingly, it's unlocked. I clench my jaws when I remember how many times I had knocked to wake her for dinner.

Why did I fucking care, again?

I shouldn't care, I know. But every time I look at her mesmerising grey eyes, I see adoration shining in them. Illusion, I scowl at myself.

I enter her room quietly. My heart stops when I don't find her in the bed. I search around the room, in the closet and bathroom. She is nowhere to be found.

I fist my hands and take a deep breath to calm my nerves. If she dares to leave me, I am going to find her and this time, I'll cuff her to my bed, make sure she never leaves.

Oh, I thought I'd love to see the tears in those eyes. Those angelic eyes. I thought I'd hurt her like she'd hurt me. I thought wrong, I couldn't do it. I was wrong.

I couldn't do it until today.

The way she pushed me away, it tore my insides. After everything she had done, I never did anything to her. I could have done anything. I could have hurt her in the worst ways possible, but my fucked up heart wouldn't let me do it. Not to her.

Every time I looked into her eyes, I saw adoration. Longing, perhaps? Why did she still push me away?

Now that I am sure she doesn't want me, I'm going to give her that. But not so easily, nope. I'm going to take my revenge. She is going to regret everything so bad. I may be talking shit but that is what love does to you. If anything, the heartbreak she gave me is to blame.

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