Chapter One

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Day 1

Sunlight drifts inside the darkroom, waking the brunette up with the first morning of being inside of nowhere.

Brushing the white thick blanket off her body, dropping her legs on the cool floor, Jennie heads to the massive window covered with an enormous white curtain.

She gasps in shock with the view outside as the white sheet has been removing. The beach with turquoise color is all around the area as the sand is a mixture of small stones and other components that attracts people to walk on.

She sighs in relaxation as she opens the glass of the window, and the fresh morning freezing wind of winter blows inside, making her squirm in anticipation.

She closes her eyes for a while, trying to find an answer to the most mysterious question she has ever had in her life.

Suddenly, the person who is responsible for the answer appears, grazing on the marble floor until she closes her arms around the brunette's waist as the latter flinches in discomfort.

She used to love the warmth of her friend's embrace, but not today when everything seems different.

The blonde acknowledges the latter tense as she releases a deep painful sigh before pulling back. "I am sorry,"

Turning back, Jennie utters in a sad tone, "Why did you need to do this, Lisa? We are best friends, and if you want me to come with you, I would surely agree to come because I didn't need to be in a kind of kidnapped thing to give in to you."

"You don't understand how angry I am when you said that you will be married next month. I am a hopeless friend who will be the last one to know about that, huh? Am I not good enough for you to trust me?" She bites her lip, asking back the hurtful question, digging inside her heart.

"Because I know you will react this way. I don't believe myself if I could handle it when you are angry with me, Lisa. I am scared that you will ... leave me." Jennie locks her eyes closed, heaving a deep breath, startling at the sound of the blonde laughing.

"I couldn't understand you." The blonde steps back. Her eyes are deep with sorrow. Dignity and grace are the ones that push Lisa away from Jennie before she could say something she would regret or destroy their relationship even though it's already devoured since the second Jennie spilled the should-be-happy new to her.

"Why? Why is it so difficult to understand, Lisa?" Her eyes become watery, and her voice is incredibly soft.

The air stunts inside the blonde's lung, keeping her from breathing with the feelings of anger and frustration, jealousy, upset at the fact that the person she loves from all of her being hurts her in an intentional way.

She glances back at Jennie, daring herself to find words that won't cause pain and regret which tastes with bitterness, "It's funny that I am pathetic. No matter how hard I am trying to explain, you won't understand that I couldn't comprehend you."

Tears finally leave her eyes as she tries to wipe it away, but fails miserably.

"Lisa, I-" Jennie stammers, never seeing her friend this weak. Generally, Lisa is the stronger one between both of them, giving beautiful advice, supporting her, and always having the brunette's back.

She blinks her hot burning tears from her eyes, trying to clear her vision before smiling sadly. "No, it's okay. Don't speak. I'll try."

The door slams, and the blonde leaves in a hurry.

Jennie is sitting on the marble floor now, hugging her knees up her chest, never had she known that watching her friend crying is that sharply terrible. Something deep inside her punches her heart. It's hurt.

Everything around her tastes incredibly painful.

The winter air feels hot now. The sunlight also appears dark. It's not because it's about to rain. She is about to weep.

After several hours of doing nothing but crying, she finally heads to the bathroom to shower and cleans herself.

When she is back, shocked at the tray beside her bed with a dozen of her favorite foods, and drinks.

The delicacies make her reminisce at the memories of them hanging out, eating a lot of stuff, laughing as she told the blonde all of the things that happened in her day.

The thing is that she has never thought that her friend would remember everything without any flaw. Including milkshake, strawberries, and the little things that she never reveals to anyone freely are here with her, there are more than enough to know that the blonde pays all her attention when they are together.

The fact makes her warm. After all, Lisa is a best friend material, right?

She catches a glimpse of a small piece of paper.

Eat your breakfast, I will be out.


After finishing the food along with the beautiful memories inside her mind, resisting the temptation to cry another hour, she wanders around her room for a while, finally having enough time to digest all the things inside.

Many frames of pictures hanged on the walls are mostly from the high school days, graduation ceremonies, and school trips. The times that both of them have had nothing to worry about. The looks on their faces show that they are completely innocent, contented around each other company's.

The duo has been growing up together, revealing everything to one another. Dark sides or bright sides are freely flying to one another like a moon after dawn, and sun after dusk From head to toe, nothing that still doesn't unfold.

She descends downstairs with small steps at a time, taking some time to look around, finally heading outside the room to see a beautiful beach spreading the ethereal vibe that she couldn't resist the temptation to learn more about the beauty of it.

Glancing back, she realizes that this is an exquisite two-storeyed bungalow located on a deserted place far away from everyone, though it's doesn't look creepy or anything.

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