Chapter 18

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Lilly's POV

This is so frustrating! I thought it was frustrating trying to understand everything at the beginning of meeting Jaxson but this is so much worse! The ABC's will be the death of me.

Finally after 2 days of practicing, I can finally recite them! I showed Jaxson that I could sing the ABC's and he was so proud! He got up from his desk and hugged me so tight that I couldn't breathe! I guess that means he is proud of me!

Now we are working on writing out the letters. I know what each one looks like but writing them is so much harder! I'm also learning how to read. I can read the easy words but the harder ones I get stuck on.

Done with school for the day, Cara walks me back to Jaxson's office. I still don't know how to get there, the pack house is confusing!

Cara says hello to Jaxson and bye to me, and leaves me and him alone. "Come here Lilly, I need your help with some paperwork."

He needs my help? "M-my help?"

"Yes, your help. You can help me with the pack work because you are the Luna! You need to be involved in the pack, and this is a start," he explains. Oh that makes sense! He is helping prepare me for my Luna duties. That brings up a question, when do I become Luna officially?

"W-when d-do I start as L-Luna?" I question, proud of myself that I'm getting better at sentences. Cara said that the more I learn the better at speaking I will get.

"Well technically it's after we mate, but I'm planning on introducing you to the pack tonight at a barbecue," he states, not expecting many questions from this statement.

"W-when we m-mate? I th-thought we al-already were m-mates?" I ask, super confused.

"The mating process is how we officially become each other's. I will mark you, and then we mate. Mating is having sex," he says bluntly.


"Oh my Goddess! You don't know about that, do you?" I look at him in confusion? What is this sex that he is talking about?

Seeing the confusion on my face, he explains, "Sex is how babies are made. It is very intimate and you should only do it when you love someone."

I still don't really understand, but the blush on his face shows he's embarrassed. He doesn't want to keep talking about this so I end the conversation with, "S-sounds... fun."

He chokes on air. His face gets really red and then he bursts out laughing. "I wouldn't say fun... but maybe enjoyable."

I correct myself, "Sounds... e-enjoyable."

We drop the conversation and I sit on his lap. I try to read the paper that's in his hand out loud, "W-we want a hou... what t-that word?"

"Try to sound it out, I know you can do it, Lilly."

"Ho... hous... House! They w-want a house!" I exclaim happily, proud that I could sound out the word myself.

"Yes they do, they want a house to themselves because they have a growing family."

"Because o-of sex!" I yell, also proud that I remembered.

With his blushing red face at my outburst, Jaxson says, "Yes, because of sex. How about we get ready for the barbecue? The pack is dying to meet you!"

"They d-dying?" I ask with tears in my eyes. I don't want the pack to die! They have been so nice to me!

"No, they aren't dying. They just are just so excited to meet you," he explains, slight amusement in his tone.

"Then w-why you say that?" I ask. If it's not what he means, why did he say it?

"It's a figure of speech, it just means they can't wait to meet you."

Ohhhh it's a figure of speech? I don't know what that is but one day I'll learn.

We leave the office, holding hands. We are on Jaxson's private level of the house so we don't see anyone. Walking into our room I get Jaxson's help with a bath. He helps fill it up and adds the bubbles. But when I start stripping, he quickly hurries out of the bathroom. I don't understand why.

I bathe as fast as I can because I'm hungry and want to eat. Once I'm done and dressed, Jaxson takes a quick shower and also gets dressed.

We hurry down the steps to the pack house, having Jaxson carry me. I'm still scared of them! He's also scared of me going down them by myself. He doesn't want me to get hurt.

After setting me down, we walk into the backyard, and I see this huge stage! With my hand in his, he walks up to the stage. He doesn't need a microphone because his voice is so loud and full of power. I look around and see the whole pack in front of me! All 600 of them are packed into this large backyard.

Hiding behind Jaxson, he starts his speech. "Hi everyone. Someone had stumbled upon our territory and it turned out to be your Luna! She is very fragile, so you must be patient with her. I care very much for her and if anyone of you hurts her, they will be banished from my lands. She is hiding behind me, but here is your new Luna, Lilly!"

Everyone cheers, and 600 people cheering is very loud. I shyly look out from my hiding spot and see everyone smiling patiently at me, waiting for me to come out. I slowly and unsurely step beside Jaxson and everyone starts cheering louder. I blush a deep red, not liking all the attention.

Jaxson, knowing I've had enough, says, "It's time to eat!" Everyone cheers for food and go to the large tables that are on the edges of the backyard, that are full of barbecue sandwiches, fries, mashed potatoes, and desserts. I cant wait for the desserts! Chocolate cake is by far the best food I've ever tried, and next is pancakes.

I get a sandwich with Jaxson and some fries. We all eat standing up and mingling. I get to meet so many nice people! Some nice ladies come up to me and lightly pinch my cheeks, while I'm blushing the darkest red.

I see Marcus and Cara, hanging with Liam and Lana. They seem like the best of friends! I hope to get closer with Lana soon. She was super nice when taking care of me so I would like to get to know her.

Jaxson's mom and dad come over to say hi, and ask how I'm doing. Doctor Lindsay also comes by with her mate, Brett. Brett is the head scout and is in charge of patrols. I learn a lot about the pack just by meeting them! Brett was super nice!

Anna and Cole, Jaxson's younger siblings, are hanging out with Nathan! I found out that Nathan is the head warrior and is a big softie with kids and people he trusts. He doesn't trust easily because he is always trying to protect the pack but he was super nice to me!

I can get used to living here!

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