Chapter 29

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Lilly's POV

My parents are finally moving in! After visiting them every weekend, for two months, the houses are finally built! The amount of time it took was so short because Jaxson owns the company and had multiple teams working on it. Only pack members could help build it because we didn't want humans to know it exists.

The pack still doesn't know that I'm blessed by the Moon Goddess. They just think that we are taking in another pack, so that is why we are expanding. We never told them that, they just guessed.

Today, my parents are coming to move into the finished house, and are bringing their pack. We already have a meeting scheduled for tonight when they arrive.

They arrive at 6 p.m., and the pack is already gathered. Jaxson has been teaching me a little about being an Alpha, before my Alpha training starts. I've been helping him sign papers, and I've been more hands on within the pack. Jaxson wakes me up for warrior training and I've been training with him. I've gotten a lot stronger and I can hold my own in a fight.

Jaxson and I are on the stage, and my parents step up onto it. Our entire pack gasps, shocked to see the werewolf King and Queen here. Jaxson lets me make a speech, because these are about to be my packs. "Hello everyone, you a-are probably wondering why the Royal Family is here. Well, turns out that I am their d-daughter. I am taking over their pack within 6 months, after I complete Alpha training. I want to be the b-best leader I can be for everyone. So they are moving into the newly built p-pack houses. This also gives more opportunities for you all to f-find your mates. I hope you all welcome them w-with open arms. Thank you."

Satisfied with my short speech, I step back as everyone applauds, both of our packs. There is a big dinner to be held to have the packs get to know each other. Vanessa quickly runs up to me and hugs me, "I've missed you so much! I haven't seen you in forever!"

I laugh, amused by her reaction, "It hasn't even been a w-week since I've seen you! But I'm happy to see you again! Let me s-show you to all my friends."

I find Cara and Lana with a recovered Esme. Esme was in a rough spot for a while, taking a long time to heal. She's finally healed up over the months, and is now as good as new. I'm glad she is, I wouldn't have been able to handle her death.

Vanessa is walking along with me but stops suddenly. I look at her curiously, not understanding why. I see her lift her head and sniff the air. Her face breaks out into a wide smile and follows me again. I guess she found her mate. She walks ahead of me, heading straight towards Esme. They lock eyes and Esme shyly smiles, her way of showing how happy she is. She is still as shy as ever.

Vanessa walks up to Esme, me close behind. Vanessa puts both hands on her face, and rubs her cheek gently. They look into each other's eyes, just staring. Soon, Vanessa snaps back to reality and says, "Hello, my gorgeous mate. What's your name, beautiful?"

Esme blushes a deep red, and looks up from behind her thick eyelashes. She mumbles quietly, "My n-name is Esme."

Vanessa smiles a bright smile, "Hi Esme. That is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I'm Vanessa, Lilly's soon to be Beta. I'm the current Beta of the Royal Moon pack."

Esme's eyes shine with pride, proud of her mates achievements. "I'm the head warriors sister, with just as much skill." Esme's rare cockiness shining through.

"Well I'm glad, sweetheart. Let's go get to know each other in your room," Vanessa says with a smirk. Esme blushes, but complies and drags Vanessa to her room.

As Esme drags Vanessa away, Cara, Lana, and I all look at each other and burst out into fits of laughter. "Th-that was interesting," I say smiling, happy my two friends are mates.

Lana says, "I'm happy for Esme, she hasn't been feeling well after getting stabbed and she needs this." Cara and I nod, agreeing.

After talking with Cara and Lana for a while, I go to greet others from my new pack. I find Jaxson first, and drag him along to meet my new pack. I meet the Gamma, Byron. His curly blonde hair and brown eyes seem very warm and inviting. He seems very friendly.

Not much else happens, but I do have an appointment with Doctor Lindsay in the morning. Jaxson also said that he has a surprise for me tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be an eventful day.

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