Target Practice

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Mavis stepped out onto the front porch that morning as the sun was just beginning to rise. Setting a vibrant golden glow over the whole compound. She quickly set her black duffle bag down on the top step. Her head tilted upward as she took a breath. Exhaling out of her nose she looked at her bag with dread. Biting her bottom lip she picked it back up again, and pulled it over her left shoulder before she continued down the steps. Her recently injured left shoulder wouldn't be able to hold the weight for very long, but her right side needed a break.

She rubbed at her inflamed eyes as she walked down the snow-covered road. Her restless night left them throbbing. She hadn't slept well again last night. Her daughter's cries haunted her dreams. Forced to watch on repeat, as Samuel mercilessly dug his nails into her little arm, laughing causticly as he let go and Isla's head would smack against the floor. A pool of dark blood would then form around her head and Mavis would be violently forced awake.

She grounded her teeth. She really needed to shoot something. It probably wasn't the healthiest therapy plan, but it worked for her. She could relieve some stress and work towards her target.

"Luna," the guard acknowledged her, tilting his head downward as she passed through the gate.

Mavis blew through her nose in annoyance. She was pretty sure that was the same guard she had told yesterday to quit calling her that. She had decided last night that she was done with this bullshit and if anyone tired to call her Luna, she would just ignore them.

She hastened her pace. Not that she'd need to be in a hurry. It would be at least an hour before James would be at their usual spot. This was a rare opportunity to get some alone time. So she was going to make the most of it.

It was still hard for Mavis to wrap her head around the idea that she came out here with James everyday. Only a couple weeks ago, she still despised his irritating ass. Mavis felt exhausted just thining about it. She had fought with him so many times. He aggravated her to a degree she didn't think was humainly possible. While she was healing he had been unbearable. Followed her everywhere. Constantly on her heels or outside doors. He took his bodyguard role way too seriously in her opinion.

Then their was Travis, the exact opposite. She never saw him. He'd shown up a few times while she was recovering to allow James to go pee or eat something. Other than that he was a ghost to her.

Mavis looked ahead and exhaled a white plume of relief when she saw the shooting range. Around a month ago she came out here with a bag of guns and ammo. Of course, he followed and continued to follow every day after that. Just watching and waiting. Smelling the air. Mavis shook her head, she swore she would never get used to a werewolf following her around.

Then two weeks into her training he had really thrown her for a loop when he asked her to show him how to shoot. Turns out he was actually pretty good at it and he was a fast learner. She scowled, a little too fast in her opinion. From there he started to fuck off a little. Gave her some space. He would still follow her out here everyday and he always went to Isla's grave with her. At least now he was tolerable to be around.

"Your early." James spoke up from behind her.

She turned and found him leaning up against a tree. "You're early, too."

"I'm always early." James got up from his spot.

Mavis sat her bag down in the snow and kelt down to unzip it. She pulled out her .357 magnum double action over under double-barrel revolver.
     James's brows drew. "Are you sure about this, Mavis. That's a pretty big gun."
    "I'm sure," she loaded the cylinder.
     "What about your shoulder? You're human. It takes longer for you fuckers to heal. What if you hurt yourself again? Ivan would beat my ass and Halic could kick yours."
     "I'll be fine. Quit acting like a mother hen, it's lame." She rose from her crouched position. Safety on, but it was fully loaded and ready.
     Mavis was almost gitty with excitement as she approached the range. Ten years. It was hard to believe that much time had passed.
       James chuckled. "Alright, you stubborn ooaf, fire that damn thing. But Luna just know I'm against this idea."
      Mavis let out a long breath thru her nose. He was trying to piss her off, wasn't he?
      Whatever, she didn't care what any of them thought. James, even though he'd given her space was still nosey. Halic was overbearing, he was so afraid she would hurt herself that he

Pseudo-Hunter Mavis Mason Series Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now