5. jonah moore isn't what axel brown expected

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jonah moore isn't what axel brown expected

Jonah's house wasn't what Axel expected.

Truth be told, he expected a mansion or something like that. With tall, white pillars out front and neatly cut green grass, a pool in the ground in the back, large windows and a big oak door, the rooms filled with natural lighting. You know, as most douchebag white boys had. But Jonah didn't have that.

Axel was slightly above middle class with his parents' jobs, but Jonah was below that. Hell, he probably just barely reached the middle class mark, if not at all.

His house was a one story, with rusty brick making up the majority of the outside, and the steps they walked up to go inside were creaky, the front door fairly difficult to open. Inside, it was clean, and the rooms felt smaller than they were considering Axel's height. One lift of his arm and it'd smash against the ceiling. Jonah shut the door behind him.

"I live with my grandma," Jonah mumbled, and Axel followed him into the kitchen. "That's why everything looks so... grandma-ish."

Axel looked around. The kitchen walls were plastered with this ugly, off white floral pattern that definitely made it known this wasn't a very recently designed house. There was one circular table, with four old, wooden chairs. A countertop separated it from the actual kitchen, where Jonah was, retrieving two water bottles from the fridge.

"I, uh — I already have one," Axel said, holding up the bottle he'd gotten from the store. Jonah's lips formed an 'o, ' and he shoved one back inside.

Jonah cleared his throat, brushing past him. Axel followed, taking in each room he walked into. The living room looked comfortable, with a giant brown sofa leaning against the window. It had a few rips and tears, but it wasn't a big deal. The carpet was beige and kind of rough against his bare feet, and a coffee table sat in the middle of the area. A boxy TV was situated on the other side of the room, in front of a bookshelf, and Axel was briefly reminded of his own grandma's home. The interiors were similar.

"Uh, wait out here," Jonah said suddenly, stopping outside a door. Axel nodded, leaning against the wall. "My room's kinda messy. One second." He tried to slip inside with as little space as possible just so Axel didn't see anything. It was amusing.

         He stood out there for about five minutes, and eventually he just knocked and told Jonah he was coming in. "Wait, dumbass!" Jonah hissed, and then they were both pressing up against the door on either sides, one trying to get in and the other trying to keep one out. "For fuck's sake. I just told you my room was dirty."

         "I don't care. I've probably seen worse."

         "Okay, and? Give me one fucking second. Jesus."

          "Dude, it's spooky out here," Axel complained. He wasn't kidding. The lights were dim enough to make him think a stranger would pop out and snap his neck. I've watched too many horror movies. "Let me in. I'm finna kiss your gay ass if you don't lemme in."

         Jonah groaned and moved away from the door, letting Axel push his way inside. He scoffed. "This isn't even dirty," Axel muttered, throwing himself onto Jonah's bed. It was bouncy. His floors were void of anything except for one tossed t-shirt and a few pairs of socks. His bed wasn't made, but then again, whose wasn't? The only cluttered things were his shelves, and the items weren't even trash. They were things any person would have, like collectibles.

         "Leave me alone," Jonah grumbled, crouching down in front of his dresser. He rummaged through the bottom one and pulled out a Ziploc bag filled with weed, and another, smaller, with just paper to roll it with. He tossed them both onto Axel's stomach.

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