Move One: What Pays The Bills

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"Thank you for your payment, Ms. Tatuz. Your next payment will be due on the eight of Febuos." The chimey bot repeated back information Eora knew all too well. It was the same every period. "Those of us at Dexus Medical are happy to serve you. Have a nice day." Eora sighed, ending the call and the blue holographic box on her wrist faded away.

A sharp throb penetrated her skull, making her wince and squeeze her eyes. They began to water at the corners as she pinched the bridge of her nose, relieving some pressure. Those damned mechs always gave her a headache. It had been a rough couple of months. Rent had gone up, and so had her brother's medical expenses. Eora was becoming desperate for credits, accepting any and every job that came her way. No matter how risky. Her body ached, strung out and tense, her muscles tightened under her skin. Eora crained her neck to the side as she tapped her wrist and the time appeared on the back of her hand; 2346. 'Where the hell is this guy?' Those damned Monarchs were always wasting too many resources, and now one of them was wasting her time. Putting a bullet into this prick's skull was going to be a pleasure.

Her target was a Patriarch by the name Yce Fransix. Corrupt, like all the rest. The government was nothing but credit grubbing officials, and most had a hand in dust smuggling.

They were supposed to be voted in each year, but somehow the eight current Monarchs had managed to stay in power for the last twelve. They made all the rules and if anyone went against them they had no problem throwing your ass in prison, then label you as a danger to society. For once, Eora was fine with killing this target.

Eora's eyes swept the streets; brightly lit in neon lights, that changed from greens to blues, then red to orange, the city was alive. Despite the late hour, and the continuous rain the citizen's of Hellex went about their business. From the hustling sales man up the street, to the distant conversations, even the back alley drug deal Eora had been keeping her eye on. She was a little envious, she could really go for some dust right about now, herself. The scent of freshly cooked meat filled her nose and her stomach did a little dance. She had been up here for hours, and she was starving. Maybe after she dropped this poor fuck, she could grab a few of those meat skewers down there and head back up to the hospital to see Nexid. Not that he would ever know she was there, but it had been a week since her last visit. Out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of a green robe. "About damn time," she moved from her perch and jumped down into the dark alleyway below.

Eora moved swiftly through the alley way, sticking to the shadows. When she reached the end of the alley, she pressed herself up against the wall and peered around the corner. Immediately she spotted the Patriarch standing in the center of the square. One, two, three- four human bodyguards. Eora smirked, this was going to child's play. This dumb fool wasn't even going to have time to regret not taking his mechs out today. She emerged from the alley, pulling her hood over her head, she kept

Her employer wanted it done quietly. And although she knew nothing about them, other than the name Zyre, they were paying extraordinarily well.

All she knew about her employer was they went by the code name Zyre. Never showed their face. She didn't know if they were male or female, but they did pay her well. Fifty thousand chips upfront and another fifty thousand when the job was done. A big risk, but it would pay her brother's medical bills for a while at least. Keeping someone on life support was expensive, but she refused to give up on him.

  Eora passed by all the hustle and bustle. Shop keepers trying to sell their goods and delicious foods. She really needed to eat something when this was all over.

  The Patriarch turned down the next block and Eora finally saw an opportunity. People were more scarce on this street. She unlocked the safety on her rifle, but kept it hidden under her cloak. Suddenly the Patriarch turned down another block and speed up his pace. Eora rounded the corner and paused.

  It was a dead end.

  Her eyes widened as the Patriarch's guards turned on her with their guns raised. Eora dove behind a dumpster as they let their bullets fly.

  "Damn it!" She cursed, pulling her rifle out from under her cloak. How had she been spotted? She'd been so careful.

  Eora leaned around the dumpster and looked down the sight. She pulled the trigger, sinking a poisoned bullet into one of the guard's foreheads before she had to duck back behind the dumpster again as another wave of bullets came at her.

  'How the hell did they know I was following them?' She thought. Her heart beat wildly in her chest. Something wasn't right. Had she been set up?

  Eora's eyes widened as she heard metal roll across the ground. She turned, throwing herself around the other side of the building as a grenade exploded.

  The dumpster went flying and crashed against the wall opposite from her. Eora picked herself up off the ground as flashing lights were approaching quickly. Too quick. This was definitely a setup.

  "Hands up!" One of the human bodyguard's ordered. Eora spun around to find his pistol aimed at her head. She swallowed.

  The security mechs then surrounded her, blocking off any and all escape routes. Eora squeezed her eyes shut in disbelief. It was unreal the number of mechs they had sent. It was unlikely if she were to fight back that she would make it out of this alive. Enraged, Eora tossed her rifle to the ground before raising her hands above her head.

  "On the ground!" A security mech ordered.

  Eora bit her lip as she laid down on the damp asphalt with her hands held above her head. She felt the cold metal of a mech's arm grab her hands and roughly cuff them behind her back.

  Eora heard a deep chuckle and turned her head to see Patriarch Fransix approaching her. He ran a hand through his silvery hair that matched his well-groomed beard. She'd only seen a photo of him, but that picture must have been old. He was much older than she had expected him to be. Yce smiled down at her. 

  "Serves you right for following me, fifty rat." He turned to the security mechs. "Take her away." The Patriarch walked past her and back down the block they had just come from, followed by his four human security guards.

  "Alright let's go!" The security mech painfully drug her to her feet and forced her to walk towards the open transport doors.

  Eora's heart began to race faster now. The mech shoved her inside, with her hands behind her back she couldn't catch herself and fell onto the floor of the transport. She took her last glance at the outside world before the doors slammed in front of her. They didn't bother to light the inside of the transport leaving Eora in pitch darkness. She wasn't afraid for herself, she was afraid for her brother.

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