Move Three: Solitary

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  Twenty-four days, twelve hours, and forty-seven minutes was how long Eora had been in this metal box. She could honestly say, prison had been exactly what she had expected. Dimly lit, shitty beds, inedible food, and the overwhelming smell of piss. This cell's last occupant must have relieved themselves anywhere they wanted. That was the conclusion Eora had come to anyway. 

  Her cell came to the grand total of eighty square feet. Which didn't give her much room to maneuver. Her little metal home sweet home consisted of a steel toilet, which was also a sink at the top, and a cement bed. Eora hated the toilet the most, it was unbearably cold and she really didn't have any privacy. The guy who was in the cell across from her liked to watch. Eora wished she could get yard time like the other prisoners. She would've made sure that guy knew where to keep his eyes.

  She lived on a schedule, that continued to repeat itself every single day. 7:30 am, breakfast. Noon, lunch. 6:30 pm, dinner. On Two-day, Four-day, and Six-day she would be let out, but only to use the showers. She was always alone, well, alone with a female guard. It was impossible to relax while she was in there; with her wrist cuffed to the wall and the ever-changing water temperature, it was more annoying than anything. Her life was a never-ending cycle. Same shit food, same shit schedule, every single day, every single week. At least the menu changed. Not that it mattered, it all still tasted like crap.

  Eora hadn't spoken to another soul since she got here. That part didn't really bother her. Eora's profession got her used to the seclusion. It would have been worse if she had a cellmate. Knowing her luck she would have ended up with a chatty catty. Plus the space was already too small and adding another body would have made things too cramped.

  Despite being in prison, Eora kept to her tight workout schedule. She wasn't about to let herself go even if she would be in here for the rest of her life. Her new workout consisted of nothing but bodyweight exercise. Squats, flutter kicks, burpees. She missed her weights back at home, but this was better than nothing. She tried to keep herself busy, but there was only so much she could do in this tiny cell.

  This was the life.

  As fun as this whole situation was, she couldn't keep her mind from drifting to Nexid. She worried about him more than anything. His medical fees were covered for right now, but in a few weeks, it would be a different story. She knew no one on the outside that could help her and even if she did she wasn't allowed visitation or to call anyone. She'd never felt so trapped and helpless. They were going to shut off her brother's life support if she didn't figure something out and soon.

  Eora had only just eaten lunch, but she laid back down on her bed to take her third nap of the day. She swore this had to be the most uncomfortable thing to sleep on the whole planet. A dirt floor would have been an upgrade compared to it. They could have at least given her a pillow. She did have a blanket, but it was just as scratchy as her prison uniform and almost unbearable. She shut her eyes and listened to the constant tick of the old analog clock. Just as she was about to drift off into dreamland her cell began to shake. Eora sat up on the bed and watched out the window as her cell moved downward. It was only Five-day, she wouldn't get a shower until tomorrow. Eora moved towards the glass and crossed her arms over her chest as her cell was set down on the floor of the prison.

  A middle-aged bronzed skinned woman, wearing a mauve colored wig was standing outside Eora's cell. She was defiantly from the upper class. Wearing the latest fashion and her makeup was way overdone. Just like the other nobles would wear it.

  She waved to the prison guards. "Open the cell."

  Eora was surprised when the glass doors slid open. She hesitated at first but took a step outside the cell, only for the prison guards to point their guns at her. Eora raised her hands as she had been instructed to do. Wondering if they would be merciful enough to put a bullet in her head. Death had to be better than this shitshow.

  "Relax, guys. I've got this." The woman came closer. The little jewels glued onto the ends of her massive silver eyelashes boobed annoyingly as she walked. "So your the hitman that tried to kill Patriarch Yce Fransix?"

  "What do you want?" Eora snapped. She was not in the mood, this woman had just interrupted her nap and was stating well-known facts.

  The woman touched her shimmery bracelet and a blue hologram appeared in front of her. Eora recognized her beautiful mugshot immediately, but she couldn't read anything on her file because it was all backward. Eora huffed in annoyance.

  "Eora Tatuz. Looks like you got a life sentence. What would you say if I told you I could get you out of this cell?"

  This got Eora's attention.

  "I'm a recruiter with the King's tournament." The woman continued. "You've piqued my interest miss Tatuz. It takes a lot of guts to go after a Monarch like you did. I'm here to recruit you for the games. I think you would make a superb addition to the tournament. Sure you might die, but isn't it worth the chance at a little freedom?"

  Eora had watched last year's King's tournament and knew exactly what she would be getting herself into if she accepted. It was horribly cruel. Having prisons fight each other to the death and only allowing one prison to win the whole thing, despite being on a nine-man team.

  "I have no interest in your tournament." Eora turned away from the woman. "Send me back up, I won't take part in some stupid game for your enjoyment."

  "What if I told you that the winner is granted one request."

  Eora turned to look at the woman. "What kind of request?"


Poppi Notes:  I just wanted to explain quickly the days of the week. The week starts out on Sunday so that's One-day. Then continues on all the way to Saturday, the last day of the week or Seven-Day. Toodles!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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