Jin is home (edited)

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While riding the taxi to go visit Charlie, all that jasmine could think of was what Sam told her

Jin is coming back; he is back, what to do? Why am I nervous all off a sudden! it has been almost a year since I have saw him last time , i hope he moved on

jasmine continued to think of Jin and how she is nervous to finally see him again.

"Madame we arrived"  the taxi driver said

" oh thank you so much " jasmine said while leaving the taxi, and she started walking towards the door, she reached the door and pulled her hand to knock but suddenly the door opens, and it was jin standing there, and both jin and jasmine stared at each other, jasmine was so shocked that she didn't know how to react

"hi Jin, long time no see, how have you been?" 

suddenly Jin pulled jasmine close to him and hugged her tightly, he smelled her hair with a pure smile on his face and he said

"oh god I missed you so much "

"-Jin, what are you doing ? Let go please" He pushed her away slightly so he can see her face, but he didn't stop hugging her and said

"Sorry but am never letting you go, you haven't saw me for almost a year don't you miss me , i missed you like crazy , don't be cold hearted now"

"It's not like that, it's just that I...."

"Jin who's on the door ??? "aunt lee asked while approaching them , jasmine pushed Jin away and said " it's me aunt lee, I came to check on Charlie before work "

"oh honey, welcome come in why are you standing on the front door"

"oh no it's okay aunt I need to leave I have a meeting in a 20 minutes"

"Charlie just ate and he's sitting on the computer, I must thank you again for yesterday, but dear why are you still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, did you stay the whole night in the office ?"

"yeah I had to stay, me and CEO Sam had a lot to do"

"What, so the new job that my dad told me about, was with Sam? "Jin asked

"yes, I just started working as his assistant"

" are you okay, Sam is really mean when it comes to work?"

"yeah Jin I am fine, he is not that bad, and he is a professional guy that separates work from personal life... " jasmine said while looking into Jinn's eyes and thinking," unlike some other men"

"aunt I have to go now, I want to go change my clothes before going to the company, give my regards to uncle lee"

"Wait jass let me drive you there, I will just grab my keys."

"it's okay Jin, I will take a taxi"

"Can you stop arguing with me already if I take you it will be faster than taking a taxi, and I want to see Sam to, let's go"

"okay, goodbye aunt, see you later" both jasmine and Jin walked to the car side by side , and every time jasmine tries to keep a distance between her and Jin, he gets closer to her, until she reached the edge of the tiles and fell, Jin reached his right and putted it behind her back and with his left hand he reached to her face, and whispered to her

"as clumsy as always , I can't take my eyes of off you, can I"

she pushed him away, and said "I can stand on my own am not a kid, and I wish you can take your eyes off I would be happy "

"Will sorry jass but I am scared if I take my eyes off, someone will steal you, do you know; when I was away whenever I missed you I would go stargazing, so I can see your face"

With a blushed face and almost red eyes jasmine started walking to the car with large steps, and she looked back at Jin and said

"stop doing that,  i already told you that your like a big brother to me ,and now let's go , i am late, and stop calling me " Jin ran to the car and he opened the door for jasmine, with a smiley face he putted his left hand on his chest and made a small bow and said

" my queen "

that's when she finally had smile on her face
Jin drove jasmine to her house so she can change clothes and waited for her down stairs until she's finished, and he brought her a cup of dark coffee from the coffee shop that was near her house, when she came down she was wearing an elegant dress, with high heels after all Sam told her to keep dressed nicely because she's representing the company, Jin stared at her for almost 2 minutes before he finally was capable to talk

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"Where the hell do you think you're going dressed like that ????"

"what do you mean, do you I look bad, I have an important meeting today, so I need to dress up"

"no it's exactly the opposite, you look to good that am worried every guy is going to eat you with their eyes" jin said "But jass this dress is really short are you even comfortable with that?"

" please let's go I don't have enough time Jin, and stop calling me jass"

"Okay, okay, I get it; here I bought you a cup of coffee, so you can wake up"

"thanks, Jin" When they reached the company jasmine left the car in hurry, so she can reach the office before Sam but coincidently they meet at the entrance

"Sir am sorry I am late, I had to change before the meeting"

"it's okay, the meeting has been canceled, the general manager just called, he had an accident on his way, you need to fix my schedule"

"no problem sir, right away, and should I send flowers to the general manager on your name?"


"Excuse me CEO Sam can I have your autograph am a big fan? "Jin shouted

"ohh Jin you're really back" Jin and Sam hugged just like two brothers meeting again after years

"Yeah I came back yesterday, and jass was at our house so I drove her here, and I thought I would come see you to"

"Jin, don't call me jass"

" you call her jass, are you that close?"

jin smirked as he said, "Closer than you can imagine!"


"OKAY, I got it"

"well anyway Jin, let's go talk on my office , I have some free time right now"

"yeah , why not!" both Jin and Sam started walking while jasmine was staring at how nice Sam has become when he saw Jin

"jass what are you doing ; let's go"


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