a date

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after that conversation with jasmine john came to Sam's office and they talked for hours, and of course with john's powers he was capable of making Sam admit defeat and confess that he is actually in love with jasmine but doesn't have the nerve to ask her out 

on a whim jasmine's phone rang in the middle of the day and it was Paul who was calling she took her phone and went to the kitchen to answer her phone , she didn't want neither john or Sam to hear her conversation 

"hi jasmine, its Paul  talking "

"oh yeah hi Paul"  

"i was wandering if you would like to meet up, I mean if I can take you out on a date today" right after she heard these words she wanted to reject him right away, after all she didn't want to give him false hope, but some part of her wanted to say yes, because she was afraid of the fact she was falling deeper in love with Sam, that's when Sam and john walked into the kitchen when she saw them she looked at Sam with painful look and bite her lips and said for paul

"why not, how about dinner, and thank you for calling paul'

"oh thank god, I was worried you might turn me down, I will come pick you up at 8 , is that good?"

"yeah 8 it is , I have to go see you later" after that she left the kitchen with a teary eye while john and Sam were confused by the what she said , john looked at Sam and said, "don't think about it there must be something wrong its obviously a misunderstanding"

"that's enough john you should go "

"but I swear that jasmine like you, yesterday she told me, you should talk to her "

"that's enough"

‪ john left Sam in the kitchen, and went to jasmine desk and said ; 
"come with me for a second .."

he toke jasmine to the elevator and started talking like crazy 

"You have a date? With a man ? No with paul ? Yesterday you were going crazy about Sam and now your going out with another man what are you doing?"

"i don't have any other choice "

"What do you mean?, you could have turned him down "

" No I can't and I shouldn't ... I am scared john, am scared off falling deeper in love with Sam and he probably does not even like me back , this was the right choice"

"No it wasn't, you just made Sam believe that you don't like him and you made him angry"

"why would Sam care if I go out on a date??"

"Do I really need to answer that question, isn't obvious?"

"No it is not ... i am not some mind reader "

"Sam likes you and you know that "

"No I don't and if he does like me then why doesn't he come and tell me ?"

"Because... because he is Sam for god sake he can't express himself... he is an idiot"

"that's enough johnI should go back to work before my boss actually gets mad at me"

"Omg what a couple of idiots" While sitting at his desk Sam was thinking of what john said and of what he heard he was worried that jasmine might start dating Paul that's when jasmine came knocking at his door 

"can I come in? "

"yes come in "

"i was wondering if I could leave early today sir -"

"early ?"

"- yeah... I have to go change for the date..."

"yeah you can "

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