Chapter 17

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It's been quite a few hours since Bella had another panic attack and fell asleep in my arms. I knew what she went through must've been bad but I didn't know she was affected this deeply. When Hendrix ran into my room frantic saying something was wrong with Bella, I imagined the worse. 

I thought she ran off and was attacked by some of the rogues that have been trespassing on my territory but honestly, this was worse. She wasn't attacked by a rogue, she was attacked by her own mind. 

When Hendrix mentioned how one minute she was all smiles and giggles then she said something about her father and began freaking out, I knew what happened. When I came into her room and saw Lana cradling my sobbing mate, my heart broke. I instinctively ran over to her, allowing Lana to take a second to remove herself and I scooped her into my lap. 

Her eyes were tightly shut and I don't think she realized Lana had switched places with me until a few moments later her head shot up and I saw her bloodshot eyes and puffy cheeks. 

She looked so hurt and afraid. I just held her tighter and soon enough she was face deep in my chest, sobbing. My heart shattered and I let a few tears roll down my own cheeks. 

I haven't cried since my parents and little sister died five years ago. At least I haven't cried around anyone else. I prefer to bottle up my emotions like most men in the world and handle my feelings on my own time when no one's around. 

Soon enough though Bella finally stopped crying and was sound asleep. Every so often her little body would twitch causing her to curl up even closer to me. I too ended up dozing off.

11 o'clock rolled around when I finally woke up. I spent the next two hours just staring at my sleeping mate. She was so beautiful when she slept. She's always beautiful but when she was sleeping she looked at peace, when she was awake she always had a hint of either sadness, fear, or worry in her eyes. It was nice to see her in a state of what appeared to be pure bliss. 

I could stare at her for hours but I knew I had things to do. Alpha things. As much as I didn't want to leave her, I knew I had to. I slowly tried to remove my arms from her and gently placed her on her the bed, laying her head on the pillow beside me. 

As I got up from the bed and was making my way to the door I heard the soft angelic voice that belongs to my mate.

"Where are you going?" She asked in a really sleep voice, having rolled over to face me but still had her eyes closed.

"I have to go take care of some Alpha duties, but I promise I'll be back as soon as I'm finished." I replied, walking back over and kissed her forehead. A smile crept onto her lips causing me to grin myself. 

"I'm hungry." She said. I couldn't help but laugh. This girl just had a full on panic attack and the first thing she wants when she wakes up is food. Why am I not surprised? 

"I guess I could take you out for lunch then take care of business." 

Bella lifted up her head, "Lunch?" She asked groggily. "It's the morning." She said, again closing her eyes and laying her head back on the pillow.

"Uh, Bella. It's passed 1:30." I said and Bella's head shot straight up, her eyes wide open.

"It's what!? It was just 9 in the morning!" She yelled, turning over to look at the alarm clock on her nightstand. 

"Oh my God! It is 1:30!" She screamed.

"So, do you want to go out for lunch? It can be our first date and we can finally have some time to get to know each other." I said kind of lowly, scared she might not want to get to know me anymore after what happened yesterday. 

Her head turned around and a smile grew on her face, "As long as we go get burger and fries, I'm down for anything." She said. I let out a soft chuckle and leaned over the bed pulling her into a tight hug, causing her to suck in a sharp breath. 

"God, you amaze me." I whispered into her ear and she replied with a giggle. 

"Do you want to change or are you okay with wearing that?" I asked. 

"Are you implying I look bad? Do you think I need to change. Oh my God, you think I'm ugly!" She frantically spoke. 

"Oh my God, no! Bella! I didn't mean it like that-" Before I could continue she started to laugh hysterically and fell onto the bed. After realizing what she just pulled I rolled my eyes and then got on top of her, straddling her tiny frame. 

Her breath quickly hitched and I smirk. "You wanna mess with me like that, huh?" I asked. She shook her head no vigorously. I slowly brought my hands to her sides and began tickling her.

She started to squirm underneath me and laugh profusely. She begged me to stop but I didn't, she had to learn her lesson. 

I kept tickling her all over her body and finally I stopped when she yelled, "Sin, I'm gonna pee! *Laughs* Stoppp!! *Laughs* Please!" 

"Have you learned your lesson, Missy?" I asked, smirking down at her with my fingertips still at her sides ready to start up again if she gave the wrong answer.

"Yes, yes! I have, I have! I promise." She yelled still laughing. 

"Good." I said as I got off of her and helped her out of bed.

"Jesus, remind me never to joke around with you." Bella joked, side bumping me.

"Wanna go again?" I asked. 

Bella swiftly ran out of the room yelling, "Nope!" I chuckled and ran after her. 

Our mate is pretty amazing, isn't she? Emry asked. She sure is, I replied.

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