Chapter 20

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It's been a few days since my disgrace of a daughter's mate found her in one of my brother's decoy shacks. I wanted so badly to make my move and take back my son and finally kill the mutt who got him taken away in the first place but it wasn't the time. 

I got up out of bed and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen where my other two sons were making lunch and speaking with my brother. 

"How do you want your eggs, Uncle D?" Bernardo asked, not looking away from the pan he was using to make eggs. 

"I'd like some scrambled, thanks." My brother replied. 

"When the hell are we going to get my son back?" I barked. 

"Well, well, if it isn't Sleeping Beauty. How was your nap?" My brother laughed at me. 

"Shut up. When are we getting my son back, Damario!?" I growled. 

"It's only been a few days, Barto. We can't storm the place yet, Bella hasn't even been seen outside the Pack House more than once and we aren't sure where they're keeping Bruno either. No one saw whether he went into their first or second Pack Prison. We need to wait a little bit longer and gather more surveillance. Have some patience, Litte Brother." 

"Patience has always been your long, Brother. Not mine." I barked, sitting down at the island next to him.

"You got that right. Don't worry, we'll make our move soon." Damario replied. 


"What do you mean, you have my brother?" I asked as the memories from my lasts moments in the basement with my Father flooded my brain. 


"You still little bitch! *Smack* This is all your fault! *Smack* They would've never gotten him if it wasn't for your slutty mutt! *Smack, Smack, Smack*" My Father yelled in a fit of rage.

"W-W-What are y-y-you talking a-about?" I tried so hard to sound confident but my voice shook against my will.

"Your stupid mate captured my son! My baby! My pup!" He howled in furry and that's when it struck me. Bruno! 

End of Flashback

"Oh my God, you do have him!" I stood up and started shouting. 

"Where is he!? Take me to him right now!" I screamed, causing everyone to send glares my way and I just flicked them all off. 

"Bella, please. Let's just finish the meal and then I'll take you to him. I promise." Sin said.

"No! Take me to him, now!" I yelled, feeling the furry rush through my veins. 

Sin quickly sighed and pulled out his wallet, placing some money on the table we turned and exited the diner. 

The whole drive back to the Pack House was quiet. Neither of us dared breathe one word to each other. 

Finally after roughly 20 minutes we made it back and were packed in front of a big, brick building behind some distance away from the Pack House. I could only assume this was the Pack's Prison, which Chicago had so kindly refused to show me. And now I knew why. 

I stormed out of the car and into the Prison doors. There was a hallway filled with cells. A few of them were occupied with moaning wolves but none were my brother. A few of Sin's Warriors were guarding each cell and they wouldn't let me pass. 

"Let me through! I need to find my brother!" I screamed. They didn't say a word but still refused to let me by. 

"Let her through." Sin's loud voice echoed throughout the hall. I turned and glared at him then pushed passed his two goons and made my way to the end of the hall and finally, in the second to last cage there was Bruno. 

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