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Four days had passed ever since his trial. During those four days he who had astounded all the members of the black knight present on that overwhelming day received glances from everyone, there eyes wearing a mixture of emotions of wariness, respect and great acknowledgement. Two days ago a group of four people travelled to a nearby village on a hunt to exterminate the nest of some trouble wrecking beast. Of course Hitomu was one of them. 
And the result of the mission had added to the glares he received.
But that did not bother him at all...

The reason?

Because the owner of that damn blue piercing eyes accompanied him, never leaving its sight from his figure. Although he was bent on not appearing before him and he did keep his distance away as much as possible, the man was now his master in name and how could he disobey his summons?
Not that he was afraid but if he were to cause a rebel, it would bring him more work.
Also he had no intention of further deviating the original plot of the story as long his interest was not attracted.

Moreover, he could leave whenever he wanted.


As usual he could still feel his stare on his back from some distance. He was seated outside his large tent, overlooking the training of the younger boys. While Hitomu was seated under a tree, tending his sword. Leaving the spot seemed to be a safer route for now......

"Oy, Hitomu." A voice shouted at him.

Geh........him again!

A youth approached him walking over. He had a bulky build. Judging from his body he looked about twenty four or so. He also had a weapon on his waist.
Inwardly Hitomu felt a bit disturbed watching him walk over.

"Let's spar again. Give your age mate some time of yours!! Hehe!" He said with a blooming smile.

My time...your ass...don't you ever feel tired of losing against the same person again and again.....moreover.....

Hitomu sighed. The stare on his back was getting even more intense.
While this fight obsessed idiot casually swung his arm over his shoulder, draping him with his bulky muscles, showing his pair of white teeth.

"Let's spar again. Right now. Brother Kul ran away when i requested a last round. Ugh. I am so sad. No one wants to listen to my request except you."

Hitomu gave him a blank stare. This man...or rather boy called Khiluya was someone of his same age; as in his current body. And he was one of the four people who went on the hunt with him two days ago. His masculine build did not match his age but in Hitomu's eyes he was like a fifteen year old kid. His childish temperament reminded him of Lanse and Marthx when they were young.
This was the reason why he did not refuse his request. Enthusiasm...he did not hate it at all.
Within a period of a day and a half, Khiluya had leeched onto Hitomu's legs demanding fight after fight. Of course he complied and gave him what he wanted but he lost in every fight. Not to mention they already had  about twenty rounds within this short period of time. This young boy was so friendly that he would casually throw his arms on everyone, like a little kid, sticky and childish. Not really like an adult.
All these things did not bother Hitomu except for one.

That man's gaze was practically on fire now, as if trying to burn his back. And honestly, it was uncomfortable for him. That stare might as well burn his back.

"Tsk. I have ears and eyes. Also, move your arms. You are sweating a lot." Removing this kid's arm he causally said to him. Too bad he was dealing with a leech. Throwing both his arms forward he hugged Hitomu's head, sniffing into his hair. His six feet height was a heavy blow to many. Including the sweating person in his masculine arms.

"Your hair smells nice." you not sense that uncomfortable feeling?

Suddenly tilting his head Khiluya looked at a certain direction. His eyes suddenly widened.

"I wonder why master is burning up like a fire? Who made him this much angry?"

Hutomu heard him murmur.

"Wait.....he is looking over here. Perhaps he is trying to intimidate us using his eyes." Waving his hand he shouted smiling. "Master!!"

Zarad's stare grew even more wild and intense as he narrowed his eyes at him.

"En? The master seems to be pretty angry....wait why is he glaring at me? I have no recollection of angering him recently..."

"......" Hitomu was really speechless this time. He slapped off the arms around his shoulder.

"Let's go to somewhere with more space."


Ugh....i hope i am wrong.

Thinking so he walked away with an idiot following his tail.

While the man who was seemingly instructing those small group of young boys looked at his departing back. His eyes narrowed with hidden irritation at the bulky man. Hmph! He huffed in silence.

The training continued.

At this same time the crown prince was already making his way to the ocean with the man he loved in his arms riding on a white horse accompanied by a small group of imperial knights. Enjoying the view Aaron had a smile plastered on his beautiful face making Satatra's heart shiver with happiness.

While at the same time around somewhere the Imperial General was facing a crisis of life and death situation. General Gale, who had experienced first hand humiliation never thought he would face the reaper himself before he could restore his reputation to its original position.

His eyes lost its light and his lips left its last breath. His consciousness left as the pair of black boots blurred out from his swaying sight.

A/N: A new mysterious character is about to appear! Brace yourselves readers!😏😏😏😏😏😏

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