Chapter 9

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Adrian moves his hands to my ass and lifts me up against the tree. I wrap my legs around his waist and squeeze my body closer to his.  Adrian kisses down my neck which makes me moan out loud. 

I feel Adrian's hardness pressed against me. He lifts his head and looks down at my face searching for consent.  I think back to all the times fate has screwed me over in the past. I decide in this moment that I want to do something selfish. 

I nod my head which is all Adrian needed to bring his lips back to mine and continues to seduce me.  He tears my shirt off and starts to touch my bare skin.  I kiss him back with eagerness and scratch down his back with passion.

I move my hands down to his jeans to unbutton them. In the same moment I hear a growl behind us.  Adrian immediately puts me down and pushes me behind him.

"Stay here", he demands before running towards the direction of the wolf.

I look down and notice I'm missing my shirt so I decide to take off the rest of my clothes and transform into my wolf. I quietly follow the same direction Adrian ran off to.

Eventually I find Adrian on the border of the pack territory on top of a light brown wolf.  The lone wolf doesn't seem to fight back, he actually seems scared.  I keep hidden behind a large tree while I watch Adrian demand the lone wolf to transform into his human form. Eventually he does and I see the young man looking beaten up and weak. 

Surprisingly I see Adrian help him up and find him clothes in a near by basket that is left out around the forest for any pack member to use.   Once they are out of sight I transform back into human form and also pick up some clothes from the basket. 

I walk through the forest back to the pack house thinking about how I almost let Adrian take my virginity.

"UGH" I scream out loud, feeling frustrated about my life.

I decide to give Scarlett a take my mind off thing. She tells me how romantic Zac is and how life has been great with him. I smile during the phone call, happy to hear everything is going well. My smile drops soon after once she mentions Nathan.

"Zac was having a hard time working with Nathan after the war for some reason. But I think it's going well now, especially since him and Julia have started to date", Scarlett tells me over the phone.

"Julia?" I question in shock.

"Yeah Julia. Weren't you friends with her? She's pretty cool and has always had a thing for Nathan so I'm happy for them. I think it's good for him to move on since his mate passed away"

I take a deep breathe trying to not let my eyes get watery. I quickly end the call with Scarlet not wanting to hear more about Nathan dating Julia.

I find myself taking a walk to clear my head.  Soon after I see Lexi running to me saying Adrian wants to meet me at his house.

I decide to be brace and walk into Adrian's house and finding him pacing in the living room.

"Rylee", he says my name before walking up to me and touching my arm in relief.

"What happened with that wolf?" I ask him

"He says his name is Cody and he ran away from a group of hunters that tried to kill him. He's was forced to be a rouge and was just scared", Adrian says while running his hand through his hair.

"Do you believe him?"

"I'm not sure yet. He's at the hospital now. Once he fully heals I will question him again"

When I look back to Adrian I notice he is staring at me intensely.  I lick my lips nervously feeling frozen in this spot.  He leans towards my face and moves his hand to touch my cheek. 

Before he can lean his face closer to mine I take a step back.

"I can't do this Adrian", I quietly say.  I turn back to see he has a confused look on his face.

"You seemed happy when I kissed you earlier", he says seductively

"Adrian, I'm not your mate", I say bluntly feeling my skin heat up from being around him.

I see him raise his fist and punch a nearby table causing it to break.
"I know that" he growls out in frustration.

"It's not fair to her" I continue on to push my message.  "What happens when you met her?  That's not fair to me either!"

I take a breathe after my speech and watch Adrian put his hands in fists and breathing heavily.

After several moments of silence he finally says, "I need to show you something".   He walks towards me again and grabs my arm dragging me to the door.

"Where are we going?", I ask in confusion.

He doesn't answer me until we get to his car and opens the passenger door for me.  I pull my arm away from him refusing to get inside.

"I'm not going in the car until you tell me where we're going"

"Promise me you will get in the car after I tell you", he holds out his pinky. I roll my eyes at his childish offer but I cross my pinky with his and say I promise.

"I'm taking you to meet my mate", he whispers to me quickly and then pulls my hand to direct me inside the car.  I let him pull me inside the car since my body goes into a shock state after hearing that.

Cruel Moonsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن