Chapter 10

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We sit in silence after 45 minutes of driving into town. I can feel Adrian glancing looks at me but I don't have the courage to look back.

Adrian parks in front of a busy restaurant and gets out of the car. I watch him walk to the passenger side and open the door for me.

I cautiously get out of the car, not sensing any other werewolves around here.  I follow Adrian inside the restaurant where he asks for a booth.  I blindly follow him again to the table and sit down looking very confused.  Adrian looks back at me with a nervous stare which doesn't comfort me at all.

Our waiter stops by to drop off some waters and Adrian orders something for both of us since I remain quiet.   Just as I lose my patience I sense Adrian's heart beat accelerate.  I see his head turn to the left so I follow his stare to watch a very attractive blonde woman approaching us.  She is dressed in a business casual outfit but still has the restaurant brand on his shirt so I assume she is a manger.

She smiles brightly at Adrian who returns a smile back at her.   I feel a tinge of jealously from their interaction but I lean back into my chair pretending to be invisible.

"Adrian! It's so nice to see you again", the blond woman says while leaning down to give him a hug. 

"Natalia", Adrian greets her while returning her hug.   I catch a glance at Adrian's eyes and see affection towards her.  I take a deep breathe now understanding that this woman is his mate. His human mate.

"How has Lucy been?", Adrian asks her.

"Oh she's growing up so fast. Already starting first grade", Natalia pulls out her phone and shows him pictures.

I snap out of my shock and observe her hands which is when I spot a diamond wedding band. His human mate is married and has a kid.

I look back to Adrian to see that is he looking right at me. "Natalia I want to introduce you to my girlfriend, Rylee".

My eyes widen in surprise but faking a smile and greeting Natalia.

"Oh my gosh. I am so happy for you guys. ", she says to me while leaning down to give me a small hug.

She turns back to Adrian to say her goodbyes and then walks away.  I turn back to give her another glance, still not believing what just happened.

"Her husband owns this restaurant.  I invested in a few places in this town including this restaurant.  That's when I found her", Adrian tells me with a faint sadness in his eyes.

After noticing I don't have anything to say he continues, "I tried to get closer to her but I can't be selfish.  She's human. She doesn't belong in our world.  She already started a family before I found her", he explains his reasons for not pursuing his mate.

I nod my head slowly trying to understand his situation.   I look back to Natalia who seems happy with her human life.

"Rylee please say something", Adrian pleads to me.

"I-I'm sorry you can't be with your mate", I finally manage to say.  Adrian moves his hand across to table to grab mine.  He slowly rubs his thumb across the back of my hand while continue to stare at me.

"Even when I first met Natalia I didn't have that strong mate reaction that everyone talks about. Maybe it's because she's human or maybe it's because I found her at the wrong time"

I try to pull my hand away from his feeling uncomfortable but he squeezes my hand even harder.

"Rylee I want to be with you. I feel a connection with you and I know you feel it too", Adrian whispers to me.

"What are you going to tell the pack?", I ask him thinking how it can look to mate with someone who's not your real true mate. 

"I will tell them I didn't have luck with my mate so I decide to chose my own. If they aren't happy with their Luna then they can leave"

I feel my skin heating up from his touch after he mentions Luna.  I lick my lips from my nervous habit.  I hear Adrian let out a low growl towards me.

"Don't do that in public Rylee.  I can barely hold from touching you right now"

This time I manage to pull my hand out of his, not used to feeling this turned on.  I look back at Adrian and see a smirk on his face. 

I quickly change the subject to our training plans which helps ease the tension. We finish our meals and head outside.  On the way we pass Natalia who is standing by a tall handsome man who I assume is his husband. 

Adrian approaches him as a friend and gives him a hug.  Natalia also gives us both a final hug before leaving.  I look back to Adrian who places his hand on my lower back as he guides me to his car feeling confident.

It is strange Adrian doesn't seem jealous around his mate's husbands. Maybe he is telling the truth that their bond isn't as strong as it's supposed to be.

I have heard myths of human mates but never met one before.  I look over Adrian who is not driving out of this town and think why he would be paired with a human mate instead of a werwolf. I start to doze off thinking of all the reasons why I wasn't chosen for him.

I slowly open my eyes to see Adrian on my side of the car picking me up from my seat.

"I can walk" I mumble to him.  He continues to carry me inside his house without putting me down.  I move my hands around his neck and squeeze lightly to show my appreciation.

Once we get to his bedroom he gently lays me on the bed. I start to open my eyes again to see Adrian walk into the bathroom.  I get up lazily to take off my clothes and grab one of Adrian's shirts to be more comfortable. 

After a few moments I hear the bathroom door open to see a shirtless Adrian walk out.  I shamelessly check him out while licking my lips.  I see his eyes turn darker and move toward me on the bed.

He grabs my face and pulls me into a deep kiss. He moves his hands to my sides and lays me on the bed. I moan into his mouth letting myself into his touch.

He lifts his head and continues to kiss down my neck.  I roll my eyes back and moan lowly from the feeling of his lips all over my skin.

"Adrian can we take it slow" I shout out before he tries to kiss me again.

Adrian lets out a sigh and then moves himself to lie next to me on the bed.  I bit my lip feeling pathetic for disappointing him.  Just as I begin to get off the bed I feel Adrian wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer to him. 

I try to move my body to get more comfortable but Adrian squeezes my waist to keep me from moving.

"I suggest you don't move unless you want me on top of you again", he whispers into my ear before kissing me neck. 

I feel a smile take over my face and then relax into Adrian's arm not daring to move against him again.

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