Chapter 21

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Narrators POV

Savannah had a lot to think about during the next few days.

The engagement party was coming up that night and she was contemplating on how far this fake show would go on.

She thought about her conversation with Hayes about the contract. Sure she was free now in regards to legal action but how much longer she could take pretending, she didn't know.

Savannah was currently in the bedroom, pains crossing over her chest. She didn't know how long she would feel like this. She didn't want to feel this way anymore.

She looked at the clock, seeing she had 2 hours until she would have to slap a fake smile onto her face and continuously greet people over and over again all night.

Hayes was finishing up last minute phone meetings with business associates about a new opening in Denver as Savannah trailed her way into the bathroom, turning the shower nozzle on warm before stripping off her clothes and letting the water soak her skin.

She fell into a daydream as she held the soapy sponge in her hands.

How long do we need to pretend?

How would we get out of this?

What if someone found out?

What if-

"Sav?" A knock on the door followed by Hayes' concerning voice snapped her from her thoughts. "Yeah?" She replied back, her voice falling small. "Are you okay? You've been in there for 40 minutes." He said with a slight chuckle.

'Shit'. She thought as she quickly washed up before exiting the shower. "Sorry, I'll be out in a minute." She spoke up as Hayes smiled, walking back into his office.

Savannah walked quickly from the bathroom into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. She let her towel fall as she walked into the closet, confused to find nothing but clean and pressed suits aligned categorically from design.

"What a pleasant surprise." A deep voice spoke from behind her as she jumped and scrambled to look for her towel. "Looking for this?" She looked up as she wrapped her arms around her body to shield it from Hayes' eyes.

Quickly thinking, she opened one of the storage doors, hiding herself behind it. "Give me my towel." She ordered, holding out her arm. "Come and get it." He smirked, barely holding out the towel for her to grab. As her small fingers wrapped around the towel, Hayes' strength over powered hers as he ripped the towel back, making Savannah stumble into him.

She tensed up as she felt his fingertips trail down her naked spine before gripping at her hips. She barely notice her grip becoming loose on the towel as it fell to the floor. Her breath got caught in her throat as she became aware of his face gradually coming closer to hers, close enough for their noses to touch.

"What are you doing to me?" He whispered as their eyes locked, asking himself more than asking Savannah. "M-my towel, i- Leave it." Hayes growled, cutting her off as she tried to reach down to grab it. "You have no idea, how much I just want to take you. Right here, right now."

Her breath caught in her throat as his hands pulled her body closer, their chests now pressed together.

"Your mother's coming in the next 20 minutes H-" he cut her off again as the softness of his lips pressed to the sensitive skin on her neck. She bit back a moan, feeling goosebumps forming all over her body. "I don't need even half of that." He growled as his hands trailed down further, cupping her firm bottom into his hands.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you baby." He whispered into her ear as he trailed his kisses down her neck. As he kissed back up to her jaw, she found herself melting into his touch.

"Guys! The cars are outside are you ready?!" The echo of Savannah's sister, Jenny echoed throughout the walls as Savannah became wide eyed. She gasped, pulling herself away from Hayes' grip and re wrapped her towel, running into the bedroom to finally get dressed.

"I'll buy you some more time." He mumbled, unable to take his eyes off of the beauty that stood before him. She nodded, not trusting her voice as she quickly sorted her hair and put on light makeup on. Hayes made his way downstairs, his heart beating rapidly as sweat began to form on his palms.

"She's almost done. We'll meet you in the car." Hayes informed Jenny. She stood staring at Hayes for a moment, wondering if what she was thinking of saying was worth saying. Hayes looked at her for a moment, studying her facial expressions.

"Spit it out Jenny." He said, leaning against the door frame. "I don't want to see my sister get hurt. Especially now, she's not strong enough to go through that again. If it was upto me, I would've ran you over by now but if my sister is happy then I'm happy for her." She said, taking a breath and nodding as if she was happy with her speech.

"First you need a licence and a car to run me over and second, I love your sister more than anything. I've made mistakes in the past, but rest assured my only intentions are to keep her happy." He said with a short smile as she seemed pleased with his answer.

"You wanna keep the family happy? Tell her to move her ass. We're gonna be late." She said humourly before walking back out to the cars. Just as Hayes turned to walk upstairs, the most beautiful sight to him came into view.

"Its too much isn't it? Maybe I should change. Yeah i'll- You look beautiful." Hayes cut her off as she blushed, slowly walking down the rest of the steps.

" Hayes cut her off as she blushed, slowly walking down the rest of the steps

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He couldn't take his eyes off of her.

She looked like a goddess in his eyes.

"Shall we get going?" She muttered with a nervous smile.

"After you." He smiled, holding open the door for her to walk through, unable to not take a long hard stare as her body swayed as she walked out.

"Damn." He breathed before snapping from his thoughts and following her out the door.

Let's see how this night goes.

(Hayes' outfit)

(Hayes' outfit)

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