Chapter 35

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Narrators POV

As Savannah made her way down the isle, Hayes' eyes locked onto hers. Not for long, as he had to look away to blink back his tears.

"She looks beautiful man. I'm proud of you." He felt a tap on his shoulder as Devons words whispered into his ear. He nodded in agreement, not trusting his voice at that moment as he proceeded to look up to Savannah.

She finally reached the alter and Hayes held out his hand, helping her carefully walk up the three little steps until she was finally stood in front of him, ready to make their new life starts.

"We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly
declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend."

"A good and balanced relationship is one in
which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one
in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which
both give their love freely and without jealousy.
Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams.
It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be
loving and unselfish."

Their hands laced in each other's as Hayes soothingly rubbed the soft skin on the backs of her hands. As every word was spoken, they didn't fail to stop looking at each other.

Hayes couldn't believe how after loosing her for so long, she was here, marrying him.

"I believe you have both written your own vows?" The priest declared as Hayes nodded, letting one of Savannah's hands go before reaching into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He sniffled, taking a deep breath before shaking his head and putting the paper back in his pocket.

"I did right vows, but it doesn't feel right reading off a piece of paper. So I'm just going to let it out from the heart." He announced, making Savannah smile.

"From the first day I met you, I knew we were meant to be. From the struggle of getting your father's permission to make you mine to finally convince you to go out on a date with me, I knew you were the one I was going to be spending the rest of my life with.

I have done many stupid things, things I wish I could take back but at the same time, I don't."

Savannah couldn't help but smile, knowing he was talking about the contract.

"I lost you once, and made a promise to myself I'd never loose you again. From the ups and downs, the highs and the lows, I vow to never leave your side, to love you unconditionally and promise to be there through our commitment no matter how much life throws at us.

You make me happy every single day. You make me want to be a better man. You make me feel so loved, and I can't thank you enough for what you do for me. You love me in love and complete me in ways I never knew possible.

From this day forth, I promise to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support. I will celebrate your successes and mourn your losses as though they were my own. I will love you, as my wife, my soul mate, my partner in crime, my everything and rejoice in your love for me for all of the years of our lives.

With this ring I promise you that you'll never have to face the world alone. I promise to be there to catch you if you should stumble, carry you over every threshold, and fall in love with you every day. I pledge today to have all the patience and passion that love demands. In the laughter and in the silence, I'll be forever by your side. You're everything that I ever dreamed of and everything I will ever need. Our love for each other is heaven sent. Today I vow to be here with you and for you, forever and always."

There was a silence as tears were streaming down Savannah's face. "Well how the hell am I meant to top that?" Was the first thing that came out of Savannah's mouth, making everyone laugh, Hayes included. "I did have vows written, but I feel the same as you said. I feel like it doesn't mean as much as what comes from the heart so that's what I'm going to do." She announced, preparing herself.

"You have taught me that two people joined together with respect, trust, and open communication can be far stronger
and happier than each could ever be alone. You are the strength I didn't know I needed, and the joy that I didn't know I lacked. Today, I choose to spend the rest of my life with you.

You have made me the happiest girl on the world today by agreeing to share your life with me. I promise to cherish and respect you. I promise to care for you and protect you. I promise to comfort you and encourage you. I promise to be with you for all of eternity.

I promise to love you for who you are, and for who you are yet to become. I promise to be patient, and to remember that all things between us are rooted in love. I promise to nurture your dreams and to help you reach them. I promise to share my whole heart with you, and to remember to show you how deeply I care for you, no matter the challenges that may come our way. I promise to love you loyally and fiercely—as long as I shall live.

Do you remember the very first day that we met? I knew the very first moment I saw you. I knew we were meant to be together for all of our days. You have become my lover, my companion, and my best friend. There's no one else I'd want to build a life with. I get to have you by my side, my love and my husband, for eternity.

I love you with all my heart. You're my love, light and soulmate. You're the person that keeps me singing, smiling, and laughing. And I promise to keep loving you in this life, and the next."

At this point, both Savannah and Hayes were sobbing together, along with just about everyone else in the room. Even the priest was near to tears.

"Can we have the rings please?" He sniffled as Devon walked up to him, passing the rings to Hayes and Savannah.

"Repeat after me." Hayes slid the ring onto Savannah's finger, the widest smile sitting on his face. "With this ring, I thee wed." He repeated his words, kissing Savannah's hand. "With this ring, I thee wed." Savannah repeated, shakily placing the ring onto Hayes finger.

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now-" the priest didn't get to finish his sentence before Hayes attacked Savannah's lips with his own.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you,
Mr and Mrs Calloway."

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