A New Companion? Weird.

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Idea requested by -killsmyself-

I wasn't going to introduce Cadds, but you were super curious. So thanks for being super patient. Let me know if it was worth the wait!

Arthur leaned back against the cool green grass. Wind blowing through his short hair while he pushed up his glasses to get a clearer view of the surroundings. Off in the distance, he could hear two things going on at the same time. One was the screaming of the poor poor humans who were being collected one by one, and the other was a rustling in the brush behind him. Arthur sighed and turned his body around. " What are you doing Cadds?"

"Awww can't get anything past you huh Arthur?"

Out stepped not a human, but a satyr. He had no horns, strangely, and a fluff on the top his head that was part of his hair. The hair was ironically very brown like the hair on a horse. The creature sat down beside Arthur with a sack hanging from his pants pocket.

"What is that?" Arthur raised an eyebrow looking down at Cadds pants pocket.

Cadds quickly snatched the brown sack from his pocket and hid it under his bottom poorly, it was still sticking out to show Arthur exactly what it was. " It's nothing. Honestly none of your concern."He acted like it was no big deal and he actually had nothing. That his obvious movement was not to be taken seriously.

Arthur just shook his head in disappointment. " Look Cadds we both know your going to go down there with Roz, and we both know how that is going to turn out. He's going to think your taking advantage of his situation for your own gain, then toy with you next." Arthur leaned back with his hands on the grass. He knew that was exactly how this whole situation would play out, because the truth was he was taking advantage of the running and screaming humans. That while they were occupied on trying to run away from the terrible human eating God the satyr would be stealing all the items just thrown to the side or just walk right into open doors that the humans forgot to close since all the other homes were being destroyed right in front of them. " Look it's your funeral. You don't have eternal life like I do from Roz. He eats you. Your dead."

"He wouldn't do that." Cadds brushed off Arthur's statement with his hand. " He owns me remember? He would miss his toy too much."

In reality Arthur knew Roz probably wouldn't harm Cadds. Unlike Arthur who was immune to harm and death because he was a messenger of the Gods. The only way he could die or be harmed was if they wanted it to happen. The God would have to have the intent of killing him. With Cadd he was just owned by Roz. He made an agreement with him a long time ago, so his body was his.

Truth was Roz did have a soft spot for the Satyr. Not as much as Arthur, but Cadds always amused the God, so he kept him around. The problem was Roz had to actually put a spell on him, for Cadds not to be harmed by the God or being eaten. Roz had to be...a bit more careful.

Arthur also knew if Cadds was caught Roz would take it personally and think Cadds was using him to become rich, but there was no convincing the Satyr. Arthur also knew this. So he didn't even try to stop the Satyr with his plan. He would learn eventually.

"I will prove to you I will be fine!" The satyr abruptly stood up and stormed off towards the town.

Arthur remained in his spot, since he knew his place with Roz and watched the Satyr march to his doom.
Cadds looked all around. In all honesty it was kind of entertaining to him seeing people flee and trying to run. He knew he was good, so he strolled through all the people with only one thing in mind. He walked past a few people who were running and screaming, but then go weird stares as he bent down. The satyr noticed one of the humans dropped a wad of money. Cadds picked it up, remaining still in the middle of the road. The human pair stared at him in amazement. He wasn't running. He wasn't even concerned with the giant that was tearing down the town. The Satyr was just slowly counting the wad. " 20, 21, 22... Come on there's only a few more...oh 23, 24. Not bad."He looked up at the two humans with a smile." Not that bad of a hall."He shoved the cash into his bag as he continued to look around. The two humans honestly could not process what was going on now.
Cadds was looking through his bigger than usual bag in his hands. He basically had his head in the bag as he was walking. " Silver, some jewelry...even money. This is probably the best haul yet."
With the Satyr walking with his head literally in a bag he wasn't watching where he was walking. He just knew he was walking in the direction of where he left Arthur. He suddenly felt his body slam into a hard surface making him stumble backward.
"Hey! Watch!"Cadds peeked out of the bag to just catch what he ran into.
He started to laugh awkwardly staring straight up towards the sky. " H-hey Rozzz." His ears pinned down, basically pointing towards the ground, and he quickly bundled up the opening of the bag and tried to hide it behind his back...like that would work. The poor Satyr ran right into Roz not even realizing the God was finished with his demolishing all because he was so overwhelmed with the thought of all the money he would be rolling in.
Roz was leaning down on one leg trying to get a better look at the little thief that was indulging in his own greed. He had one eyebrow lifted into the air with Arthur on his shoulder in a lot more relaxed position then he was at current. Cadds gave a glare towards Arthur for ratting him out but gulped when he looked back over at the unamused God in front of him.
" Cadds... What were you doing?" Roz tried to ask calmly.
"Nothing." He answered quickly. Too quickly. His eyes darted to the side trying not to look at the bag he was horribly concealing. His eyes and stature were not helping him with his lie at all.
"Alright. If it's nothing. Then." Roz very easily plucked the sack away from the Satyr only using two fingers." You won't mind if I take this."
"Hey!" Cadds quickly covered up his mouth since that was the last thing to give him away.
Roz acted like he did not hear him. He lifted the contents in the bag and poured them out. "Looks like you were doing something." Roz could barely make out exactly what was on his palm, but knowing the little thief he could easily guess.
"Yeah...well... I might have taken some things while you were busy. No big deal."
Roz looked down at him. " Well if it's no big deal then." He suddenly tossed all the items, bag included into his dark whole of a mouth to never be seen again.
"Hey! I worked hard for those!"he then stepped back a bit as soon as he said it. He wasn't scared...just honestly wasn't sure what Roz as thinking. That was the difficult thing about this Giant. He could act friendly and mess around with Arthur and him like they were long-time friends just sitting around drinking...but he was also still a God. He still could act like a prick and show his power when he wanted...and when they did not want him too. Those were the times he just wished he could bop the big guy in the nose. If one day he was human size he would soooo take advantage of that...but right now he wasn't. He was the 120 foot, pissed off giant. Cadds knew exactly what Roz was thinking. An insignificant Satyr dared to use him. Him. A God. That could not go unpunished.
Roz suddenly picked the Satyr up by his clothing and dangled him above his head. He didn't even give the guy a chance to react.
"Roz! Come on. You don't want to really do this? Do you? You just eat a whole town. You have to be full by now."
Roz froze and lowered the Satyr to his side. " Well you do have a point...but... I don't care."Roz quickly said a spell and easily tossed the small satyr into his mouth.
It was so quick Cadd's didn't even hear Roz say a spell. He felt his body land on his tongue. Unlike Arthur, he didn't mind this actually. Normally. Cadd's actually was indifferent to this with Roz. He figured it was normal when being with a God, but he didn't know if Roz said a protection spell or not. Cadds struggled trying to get out of the God's mouth. All he could feel was the slippery substance all around him and Roz's tongue brushing up and down him. He tried to fight it off, but Roz was not in a playful mood.
Roz quickly covered Cadds with saliva with his tongue. He did not pin the little guy down or even taste him. He got the Satyr covered then flung his head back causing him to fall down his throat.
Roz couldn't resist tracing the form down his throat to make sure he made it all the way down, then laughed a bit.
Cadds landed in the stomach. He closed his eyes just waiting for the acids to eat at his clothing then his skin killing him...but nothing happened. Cadds slowly opened his eyes peering around. He was in the stomach with all the other people, well...used to be people and buildings. He sighed in relief and whipped his head. He knew this was Roz's version of being kind. The God could have allowed Cadds to be in there with all the digesting people. He could have not placed a spell on his body or even made him feel everything but not die...but he didn't. Roz was just putting him in here to be punished.
"Ummm thanks Roz." Cadds said shyly and quiet. He was surprised Roz even heard him.
"That will hold you till we get back to the house."

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