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Depth: Fifty-five feet above sea level.
Location: Avenger's Tower, Lounge Area.

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle or Hurricane Alley, is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Most reputable sources dismiss the idea that there is any mystery. The vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle-

"You still on that, Buck?"

Bucky jumps, and immediately slams the laptop screen shut. He'd been too preoccupied with the article to hear Steve walk into the room. His skills are really lacking these days.

"I'm just.." he starts, setting the laptop on the coffee table in front of him, "... researching."

"Look," Steve says, taking a seat on the couch adjacent to Bucky's chair. "I can't begin to imagine how rough it is, losing your memories, but... the Bermuda Triangle is a patch of ocean, in the middle of nowhere. I don't think anything could be there that relates to HYDRA, Buck."

Well, Steve is right about one thing. He really can't begin to imagine how rough it is.

It has been around a month since all the HYDRA bases that the Avengers were aware of had been eradicated. After discovering the secret of the Winter Soldier, they made it a mission to get rid of the organization for good, and they succeeded. Bucky has been adjusting to the Avengers tower ever since then, and as far as he's come, he still has a far way to go. He's still wary of people, untrusting to almost everything, and is unable to sleep without nightmares.

But, as much as the horrid memories of HYDRA torture and missions plagues him, something else has been a whole lot more. Hushed whispers of the words, "Bermuda," "Bermuda Triangle," "Bermuda Project," and many others stick out to him, and he can't help but feel there's something there that's yet to be discovered. His only problem? No one will believe him.

"I remember," Bucky drawls slowly, "they talked about Bermuda... the Triangle... they had some sort of project there... something big." He looks down at the carpet, furrowing his eyebrows. "Something bad..."

"Bucky.." Steve says, sounding like a mother expressing concern for her child. Bucky hates when he has that tone. "I mean, who knows what that could mean? It could've been a code word of theirs or something, in fact that's probably all it was. I highly doubt they meant the actual place, that would've been too easy, anyone could've figured out their secret."

Bucky knows Steve's points is fair, but still, he figures he knows more about HYDRA than Steve does, even if he doesn't remember much of anything. He knows them better than anyone, so if he has a suspicion, he thinks everyone should give him the benefit of the doubt and at least investigate it. Although, he knows he doesn't have much trust from anyone. He can't really blame them, either - who would trust him?

Biting his tongue, Bucky nods, staring at the ground as he rises from his chair. "Yeah, you're probably right," he mumbles. He doesn't feel like talking anymore, let alone to someone who won't even listen. With that, he walks out of the room, making his way to the kitchen. Maybe no one will be there, and he can have some time to think. Except when he sleeps at night, it feels like people are always around him, as if they think he'll go on a violent killing-spree if he's left alone for too long. Once again, he can't really blame them.

BERMUDA | B.BARNES (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now