3.5K 113 9

Depth: Thirty-nine feet above sea level.
Location: Avenger's Tower, Infirmary.

"You know it could be just me and my godforsaken old age, but I distinctly remember telling all of you that there were to be no exceptions to the rule of killing whoever you met down there? Tell me, am I wrong?"

Nick Fury is, well - furious.

"No, you're not wrong," Steve replies, sighing as they both watch the girl from a window outside the infirmary. She's unconscious once again, with nourishment flowing into her body through an IV and Bruce giving her an intensive examination. "But we couldn't leave her there, look at her, Fury."

"Oh, I'm looking at her alright," Fury says, crossing his arms over his chest. "And what I see is a trap. I've been through this type of scheme too many times for my liking."

"Well, what do you want us to do?" Steve asks, annoyance in his voice. "We can't exactly put her back. The base flooded, it was completely destroyed."

"I'm aware of that," Fury says, looking over to Steve. "I don't rightly know what to do with her, Rogers. She's in a critical state, but that doesn't mean she isn't a threat - this could all just be a front for a trap." Fury sighs, shaking his head.

"I want someone watching her at all times," Fury finally says after a minute. "Don't let her go one second unguarded. And don't let Barnes interact with her. I know he's recovering well, but I can't risk it. Until she recovers we'll keep her in the infirmary, then we'll try to get some information out of her."

Fury turns to Steve, sighing. "You've put a lot more on my plate than I can handle right now, Rogers. As far as I'm concerned, this is your problem, and if something goes wrong, that's on you, too."

With that, the Director spins on his heel and walks away, black coat sauntering behind him like an angry omen. Steve releases a heavy breath after he leaves, cautiously looking into the infirmary window. He decides to go talk to Bruce face-to-face, to check on the woman's condition.

He makes his way into the infirmary quietly but still manages to startle Bruce, who is heavily invested in his work when the door opens. Steve playfully smiles to himself. "You caught me," he says, and Bruce smirks. "How is she?"

Bruce's smile fades as he looks to the monitor screens relaying the woman's vitals. "Even though she's knocked out, her heart rate is elevated, so is her blood pressure. Her body is highly stressed, which, with as bad of a state as she's in, is definitely not good."

Now, it's Steve's turn to sigh. "I figured as much... Tony is still trying to figure out who she is, hopefully we'll have an answer soon."

Bruce nods as a response, staring at the monitors with disdain. He didn't want to miss something that could be crucial and determine life or death for the woman.

Then, just before a silence can settle in the room, the infirmary door bursts open loudly, startling both Steve and Bruce.

"Alright, I've got something on our anonymous damsel," Tony announces, looking down at his tablet in concentration. He doesn't even look up to greet Steve or Bruce, he was too invested in whatever was on his screen.

When Tony eventually does look up, he shows his tablet to Steve and Bruce, raising an eyebrow. "How's this? Her name's Tania Rae Clark, she was born on September 3, 1927, in Dudinka, that's in Russia."

BERMUDA | B.BARNES (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now