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                                                                       *Alex's P.O.V.*

I sat in the car as Christopher strode off towards town. The green scenery slowly disappearing behind us as we drove nearer the busy town. We drove nearly twenty minutes later before entering upon a "Welcome to Sandborg" sign came into view. Christopher slowed the cars to an almost stop as we slowly cruised through the town, letting me take in everything surrounding it.

I haven't been in the town since my mother passed away. I was kept only in school and or in the house to clean or be beaten all the time. I smiled when we came to a abrupt stop in a parking lot near the huge town mall. I quickly un buckled the seat away from my small torso and nearly tripped over my own two feet to get out of the car before Christopher could even strip the keys from the ignition. I some how made a dazzling (Must I say clumsily) exit from the car.

He strode over towards my side, intertwining our hand together at peace. He pulled me towards the mall doors and I smiled to myself. We looked like a real, normal couple. We soon entered the great mall and a little gasp escaped my mouth. I've never been in a mall before. My mother never took me o a mall before, but I've been in a mini mart and store. I looked around in curiosity at the large stores in the mall. The first store that caught my eye was a medium sized Torrid.

It was a store for medium sized women, but I just wanted to get closer to the beautiful jewelry section that bedazzled the front of the store. I tugged on Christopher's hand, feeling sparks shoot up my arm in different directions. He complied and followed me to the dazzling store.I stepped inside, inhaling the cool, fruity smelling store. My werewolf smelling indicated me that we were the only wolf here in the last few hours. Rouges tend to explore near other werewolf packs, causing many wars to break out against neighboring wolf packs, as Christopher informed me.

I looked around the store, searching for a piece of jewelry to fit my small, petite neck size. I noticed a black pendant on a gold chain. The pendant was black itself with a small wolf with red eyes. It stared right through me as I eyed it. I carefully walked over to it, before I stopped. I turned around, un lacing my fingers from Christopher's loose grip. He stopped and looked at me with curious eyes, before settling them once again on my lips. I smiled happily and shoved him away, towards a bench outside the store. He once again looked at my lips and pouted. "I figured you would want to go sit or check out some stuff that guys might be interested in.", I said nonchalantly.

He shook his head very quickly, in a blurred motion. "Nope. I'm staying by your side like a pest. Cant have my mate getting attacked by a rouge, now can we?", he said.

"Babe, ill be fine. Please?", I added with pouty lips. "Nop-." I aburplty cut him off his now hanging sentence and slowly leaned in for a kiss. I closed my eyes and maneuvered my arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer to me. He complied and I soon felt a rush of heat sprout through my body like wild fire as he slowly kissed me.

A minute later, I released my grip and stepped back. "Please babe?", I practically begged him. He hesitated for a moment, then nodded. I squealed and hugged him. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!", I chanted over and over again. He smiled and enveloped me in a giant hug before releasing me once again. "Please be careful, yeah?" I nodded and pecked him one last time before bouncing away happily as he turned around to go find something interesting to do.

I walked over to the pendant and stroked its delicate gold chain as it lay against the plush manican's neck. I carefully unclasped the hook holding it together. I took it off the neck and began to wrap it around my own when an electric shock pulsed through my delicate body. The shock send me gasping away for air from the necklace, dropping it to he ground.

The metal clanked to the floor loudly and the woman fixing the clothes rack gave me a deathly glare before returning to her work. I grunted and lowered my self to the floor to pick it back up. I took notice when it didn't shock me again. I picked it up and once again wrapped it around my neck.

It stayed there and I hooked it together. I walked over to a small mirror sitting on the table and searched the mirror to see the necklace. The red eyes shined brighter when it mused with my skin. I smiled at the reflection before turning to the check out section. A hand stopped me, pulling me backwards into a hard body. I stiffened when I realized it wasn't my mate, but instead the smell was foreign. I gasped when a rough hand covered my mouth and shoved me towards a row of changing rooms. My muffled cries for help turned into sobs as my body racked with in them.

The person turned my around roughly and forcefully pushed me to a wall. A mirror sat on each end of the little room, where I looked into it. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach when I realized what it was. A cry for help escaped my now un covered lips and it quietly died down when the person stepped back.

"Hello Alex.", the person smiled mischievously.

                                                                *Author's Note*

        Cliff hanger.. Bye lovlies c:

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